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No live coverage at DGWT events

At this point, it doesn't matter what we think of Jussi and his DGWT. Thankfully, the 2017 tour only includes 4 events thus far, two of which I'd care to follow. For those of us who want/enjoy live coverage, there are plenty of other options. We are the vocal minority and will not affect his bottom line, as far as I've been told.

Can't wait for the 2017 DGPT!
You continue posting these really inflammatory and venomous interpretations of events while trying to masquerade them as truth, and it's extreme almost to the point of comedy.

And there you go again... belittling those you disagree with with dismissive comments. Very 'Salient' of you.

...but you already know that. You're not stupid (your posts are well written and have a twisted, bitter tonal eloquence), you're just stubbornly refusing to admit that .05% of the disc golfing population truly feels that spiteful. You're the Rush Limbaugh of DGCR.

I'll take the Rush Limbaugh comment as a compliment. But you are attempting to say that because others may feel less 'spiteful', that they don't agree with my side of the argument. That's disingenuous at best, and grasping at straws at worst.

In order to declare that the USDGC has lost credibility, you need some yourself, and your aforementioned extremist interpretations preclude that. You lack the quintessential component of credibility...rationalism (and you could use a sprinkle of empathy as well).

Excuse me, but I did not say the USDGC has lost credibility. I said JUSSI and DGWT have lost credibility. And I think my posts have very rationally pointed out the excuses made by Jussi not holding up, his ulterior motives, and the continued disrespect shown to DG fans by continuing to use already-discarded excuses. So I'll stand by what I've said.

And no.. I don't have one bit of empathy for people who make excuses, then start unloading on those who point it out when those excuses are blown up. That kind of comment, that I should have 'empathy', is exactly the kind of guilt-inducing comments politicians try to use to force us to accept lies as truth, and to disregard corruption... gotta have 'empathy'. So sorry, but Jussi does not and will not have any empathy from me, just as I felt no empathy for the Salient people when they went bankrupt after their treatment of people (which was most very similar to how Jussi has treated DG fans).

Not even a good try on your part.
You don't know what percentage of the disc golf population is spiteful any more than I do. These are opinions. Disc golfers are the biggest whiners I have ever dealt with. I am sure you have no bias. :p You probably think Hillary has credibility.

This. Thank you.
I'm disappointed that he canned livestream. I'm more disappointed that it appears he tried to lie about it when everyone got upset. If it isn't lucrative just come out and say that point blank, then provide numbers and such to back up his point. So far all that I've read or seen is that Jussi decided he didn't want it so he could make more profit and then made up a story about not having enough money.

:thmbup: :clap:
Why would he not? He tried it, it didn't produce the numbers he was looking for to work with his overall vision, he canned it. That's good business. Why would he keep investing in something that doesn't produce the return (possibly not financial return) he wants?

USDGC > La Mirada....

Thats like comparing tv ratings of a random thursday night football to a title game. Not to mention la mirada is not an easy course to film lr eveb watcb on video

It was/is a very very small one. It echoes itself and magnifies through these tiny echochamber forums we frequent. If I could be bothered to go and do the research I would warrant there have been no more than 100 people on DGCR complaining across all these threads, they are most likely the same people that pop up trolling the Spin TV youtube channel and moaning on the facebook feeds. Certainly some of the user names are the same.

i think you under estimate this a bit plus many will never voice an opinion one way or the other. As vocal as negatives can be it goes the same for those who support stuff. Look at JT he cant stop putting his foot in his mouth

If my customer base is hundreds of thousands, I'm not going to really give a damn what 100 or even 1000 people think however loud they are.

:confused: crazy customers are one thing but dismissing legit feedback is being ignorant. No one has the answer in disc golf to "grow the pros purse" and been trying to figure it out for years. Jussi was handed a pretty sweet deal with innovamania compared to trilogy/mvp/prodigy founders. Is he really that special? Eh.

He is packaging up a brand to take to advertisers and investors, to show people the numbers the sport can create, if that offering is diluted through a load of different channels even if the overall views add up to the same the individual impact is lessened. To be able to say the Facebook channel got over 1 million hits is a lot of power (even if they are not unique) . If 1000 people are upset as a result of that, well, if it was your business would you care? Of those 1000 how many will actually not watch any of the coverage you are putting out?
Problem is live coverage forces an ad upon the viewer at real-time. Any post recorded stuff i easily just FF through the ads or BS. I hardly even listen to the goofy commentary unless some dope CCDG guys laying down the track ;)

Then you're not watching very closely. Every major sport is packaging up lots of little bitesize video chunks and teasers, great plays, anything that gets social media engagement. Yes they also have the budget to run the big live stuff, but this sort of smaller cheaper social media engagement is integral to all sports and businesses now.

this is just the world we live in now. It is expected to be doing these things as a brand/business etc. The live stream would be adding additional value which cannot be done by any 12 yr old kid and a cellphone.

that is totally subjective, IMO the media I received at USDGC was better than the stop/start streaming, awkward commentary livestreams I've watched like all you other addicts for the last ten years and I've sat through a lot of them start to finish (often staying up till 4 in the morning). I love this sport, I love watching it even when what I'm watching is clunky in the extreme. They've got better but god if I wasn't addicted to this sport there is no way in the world I or any of you would watch this stuff live, really take yourselves out of it and ask yourself would you?

not really the point of the discussion. We have a company who is ready and willing to provide an up and coming service. It was willing to be paid for and pretty much taken care of. Yet smashboxx got the recycling can.

Trying to take myself out of the Disc Golf bubble the only live coverage I have seen that might have drawn me in without already knowing about the sport and being desperate to see some live coverage of it has been the European TV coverage and even the most recent one was a bit shaky despite costing in the 10's of thousands to air. Those wrap up shows were slick, if I was on the edges of disc golf or just happened to flick onto it, that sort of coverage could get you to watch.

If you were someone investing and trying to make that investment back in advertising showing a livestream on youtube, would this make you eager or not to show it?

again thats not a point. You dont invest in a youtube add you invest in a brand/company which can give you return. Maybe it increased sales or actual cash back for angel funds etc. More eyes the better and more you can appear to be doing for customers/clients the better..

Would you be better off giving a smaller package where you could force engagement with your advertisers or brand or whatever you wanted to showcase?
you mention all those social media outlets but seem to not grasp the idea behind using them as a brand..[/QUOTE]
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The guys from DD last night said it best on the Smashboxx podcast last night - "media is everything". They recognize the need for not only satisfying the media needs of the the avid disc golfer, but also develop strategies to get in-front of the casual or new players (two podcasts, live streams, social media posting, created an app, etc). While not all transfers seamlessly to running a tour, I do feel this is why the DD/Trilogy brand continues to grow and why the DM/DGWT brand seems to be "maintaining". If he feels this media plan so far is satisfying the needs to attract new people and investor alike, why not spend the effort to please his avid fans? The example drawn earlier in the thread of "If my customer base is hundreds of thousands, I'm not going to really give a damn what 100 or even 1000 people think however loud they are." is why businesses fail. You need to factor in plans for all levels of consumers, not just the majority at the time. At the end of the day in the current landscape of disc golf those 100-1000 will always be there for the brand when others may not.
Disc golf is horrible to watch live. Ball golf only works because of the amount of cameras they can switch to for "ready" live action. If I had to watch a ball golf group walk the hole and prep every shot I would never watch. I love watching ball golf but disc golf doesn't have the money or following to create a live product the public can digest and enjoy.
Disc golf is horrible to watch live.

I respectfully disagree. Sure, gaps are boring, but Smashboxx has done a very good job of filling in those gaps, and are working to make things even better (updating scores, etc.). And I see no reason why we cannot eventually see two cards being covered so that there can be some switching over between cards. (Having said that, I'm not a fan of picture-in-picture; the smaller picture is hard to see and to follow the disc throws). IMHO live DG can and will improve, "just you watch" :)
Disc golf is horrible to watch live. Ball golf only works because of the amount of cameras they can switch to for "ready" live action. If I had to watch a ball golf group walk the hole and prep every shot I would never watch. I love watching ball golf but disc golf doesn't have the money or following to create a live product the public can digest and enjoy.

The ironic thing about the comparisons to ball golf coverage is that when it comes down to the final few holes of a ball golf tournament, when it's really only the contenders left, the switching away to "live action" becomes less and less. Toward the end, they start running out of other groups to show and they begin to focus on every moment of the leaders and just the leaders as they finish (sometimes they entirely ignore those not in contention even when they're paired with one of the leaders). The last 6-9 holes,usually at least two hours worth of broadcast time, of a tournament show all the walking and the prep before the shot, as well as a lot more commercials. All the things we dislike about live DG coverage.
I guess I'm crazy but I don't mind the whole 'walking down the fairway' part of the broadcasts too much. Gives me a chance to interact in chat a bit, tab out to do some other things or just run and grab another beer/snack/etc.

Its rare in our ADD world to just let an event unfold in real-time so I guess the slow pace is a nice change in some ways. There were a couple broadcasts this year with Smashboxx where they had plenty of other cameras to cut to when they needed to fill some time so honestly the 'down time' was pretty minimal.

But I can totally see how the slow pace might turn some others completely off from watching live.
I guess I'm crazy but I don't mind the whole 'walking down the fairway' part of the broadcasts too much. Gives me a chance to interact in chat a bit, tab out to do some other things or just run and grab another beer/snack/etc.

Its rare in our ADD world to just let an event unfold in real-time so I guess the slow pace is a nice change in some ways. There were a couple broadcasts this year with Smashboxx where they had plenty of other cameras to cut to when they needed to fill some time so honestly the 'down time' was pretty minimal.

But I can totally see how the slow pace might turn some others completely off from watching live.

I agree that we can always use more action and that the long slow pace of some rounds can turn people away. The thing that ball golf can do that we are not able to yet is record other holes shots and replay them quickly as if they were live. Very rarely when they check in on another hole of golf is it truly live, usually delayed by a few minutes. Having my only 2 hands we can't do that yet. I would need someone to be able to record all the other shots quickly edit them and feed them back to me. And as everyone knows, we are just not at that level YET. Always things to strive for.
I agree that we can always use more action and that the long slow pace of some rounds can turn people away. The thing that ball golf can do that we are not able to yet is record other holes shots and replay them quickly as if they were live. Very rarely when they check in on another hole of golf is it truly live, usually delayed by a few minutes. Having my only 2 hands we can't do that yet. I would need someone to be able to record all the other shots quickly edit them and feed them back to me. And as everyone knows, we are just not at that level YET. Always things to strive for.

But you guys are doing very well as it is. And eventually you might have another card under 'observation', and can switch to it live (if they are throwing) while your feature card walks. So it's all good.
Ill put in effort once in a while.

FWIW college football games are around the 3-4 hour mark with about 15min of real action.

I like football but can hardly stand watching a college game and even NFL games can get crazy long. Oh vikings on sunday? Welp cross out 3 hours of the day here.

Ive enjoyed live disc golf just the same. I have no team or favorites but if ****ty weather or have lots of office work etc why not? Ive even streamed it in the garage while smoking meat on the grill.
The guys from DD last night said it best on the Smashboxx podcast last night - "media is everything". They recognize the need for not only satisfying the media needs of the the avid disc golfer, but also develop strategies to get in-front of the casual or new players (two podcasts, live streams, social media posting, created an app, etc). While not all transfers seamlessly to running a tour, I do feel this is why the DD/Trilogy brand continues to grow and why the DM/DGWT brand seems to be "maintaining". If he feels this media plan so far is satisfying the needs to attract new people and investor alike, why not spend the effort to please his avid fans? The example drawn earlier in the thread of "If my customer base is hundreds of thousands, I'm not going to really give a damn what 100 or even 1000 people think however loud they are." is why businesses fail. You need to factor in plans for all levels of consumers, not just the majority at the time. At the end of the day in the current landscape of disc golf those 100-1000 will always be there for the brand when others may not.

And there is your test case. On one side, DD and DGPT, on the other, DM. Who's model will win? I don't remember a thing from Spin TVs coverage of USCGC, but I still remember - nice! That and, "you can't triple stamp.". "can too." "Can't." "Nah nah nah nah."
And there is your test case. On one side, DD and DGPT, on the other, DM. Who's model will win? I don't remember a thing from Spin TVs coverage of USCGC, but I still remember - nice! That and, "you can't triple stamp.". "can too." "Can't." "Nah nah nah nah."

We can also remember the Paul Mcbeth provisional at Ledgestone, Squirrel gate at Maple Hill, Sexton heckler at Blue Ribbon and an exciting finish with a Nikko 360 at the tour finals. All brought to you by DGPT and Smashboxx live :clap: oh, and we can remember the top finishers of each event. The difference being live coverage and the avid fans reacting the live coverage and talking about it on social media/message boards.
sexton heckler? You talking about the guy that said "soft my buns" and then was credited for getting in Nate's head?
We can also remember the Paul Mcbeth provisional at Ledgestone, Squirrel gate at Maple Hill, Sexton heckler at Blue Ribbon and an exciting finish with a Nikko 360 at the tour finals. All brought to you by DGPT and Smashboxx live :clap: oh, and we can remember the top finishers of each event. The difference being live coverage and the avid fans reacting the live coverage and talking about it on social media/message boards.

Exactly :thmbup: