Gate is locked, but you can park near Blue 18 and play the course. Very wet and muddy, but playable. Recommend waterproof shoes.
Good variety with half the holes being open with sculpted fairways and the other half being tight in dense woods. Creek crossings and rolling terrain.
Navigation aids (next tee arrows) under each basket and directional signs between pins and teepads,with hole #'s and arrows, in less obvious areas.
A driving range near the first tee, with distance markers going from 150-500 feet.
A practice basket courtesy of Gateway Disc Sports has also been installed near the #1 tee. It has distance markers spiraling out from 10 feet to 60 feet.
Designer(s): David McCormack, Justin Bunnell & Gateway Disc Sports
From St. Louis; 64 East to Exit 29, Rte. 161. Go east 34 miles to a left on Pleasant St. (towards St. Mary's Hospital), 200' to stone entrance on right. At the Y, veer left 0.25 mile to Shelter. Rec 9 on east side of road. Champ 18 on west side.