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Independence, MO

William Yates Sprint DGC

3.035(based on 16 reviews)
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William Yates Sprint DGC reviews

8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Chill Bill

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2022 Played the course:once


If you want to get a bunch of birdies, but Epic is too flat, you may need to play William Yates Sprint. It has hilly runs. Short and more wooded on the front nine, and mid range and pretty open on the back nine. A novice level course with a layout that allows development of controlling accuracy, distance and playing on elevation changes. There is a small creek in play on a hole or two, and OB in several places.

I had fun playing this one once, but it won't provide any kind of challenge to an experienced player. Hole 2 was probably my favorite of the round. It's an elevated tee, playing over a fence at the bottom of the hill, then up the next slope to a basket that is protected by a thicket of trees and brush. You could probably play it to either side, it's going to take a great shot somewhere to make. a birdie on this one. Hole 4 gets into the heavier woods but the distances aren't blowing out the arm. Up and down the hillside with some directional throws until you get to the tee for 12. At that point the distances stretch a little, and the lines open up a lot. The last few holes have roads in play, which I suppose would play as OB.

Hole 6 was also kind of fun. It's downhill, and the creek runs just in front of the basket. A bit of an all or nothing tee shot. I was lucky and skipped over the creek and under the pin. Not that there was much water in it, but I was glad to stay dry.

I definitely liked the front 9 better because of the tighter lines increasing the need for precision. The back 9 is fairly wide open, with the elevation and OB keeping it from being flat out boring. It does play slightly longer as well, so the youngsters can work on the distance. It's a fast course that doesn't require the full arsenal of discs.


The tees are not terrific, nor are the signs. Photos and map posted on DGCR are out of date. Some of the tee to basket combos are not entirely clear. The signage has a lot of room for improvement.

Being on a school campus means nights or weekends only during the school year. The level of challenge is pretty low. Too many shots that play near playgrounds, roads and fences.

Other Thoughts:

It is an 18 hole layout, and the terrain makes for some fun throws. I live too far away to travel here for a casual fun round. If I go back, it will only be to get some pics of the current layout and update the DGCR page. If you are a serious player, go to Wilbur Young and earn those birdies.

I was 6 under on the day here. 9 birds, 3 bogies and 6 pars. OB on the last two holes ended my day with a down note. Still had fun seeing a new course, but it isn't one to seek out when you're only out to play the best courses around town.
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8 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 193 played 122 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Good trees, good elevation... but still lousy holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2021 Played the course:once


William Yates features a wooded front nine and an open back nine, with some elevation on nearly every hole. A small recent redesign gives multiple teepads on a few holes, more dirt or rubber tees (instead of just grass), and use of some previously unused areas (like a new longer tee on 3).

For the most part, the front nine is a good way to introduce a new player to a technical course. The holes aren't too long, so anyone without much accuracy won't get overly frustrated. But there are a variety of shot shapes, elevation changes, and challenges.

There is some uniqueness here. There's one raised pin, one island green (and another one if you call 16 an island), angle control on 1, and distance control on a few downhill shots. These challenges may not be too interesting for more experienced players, but they certainly reminded me of some similar challenges at other courses. As a result, a newer player can have a good experience on these holes.


I know there was little room to work with, but parts of the course left me shaking my head. A few tee shots are super strange, namely holes 5 and 7, though different pin placements or tees may have been better than what I played. Hole 18 has a dumpster in the way, and you're throwing across a fence on hole 2 (the fence doesn't block the tee shot, but it is a bit strange). Finally, the holes on the hillside behind the school (12 - 15) make very little sense. The flow is weird, and playing the baskets the way they look like would produce one super-short hole, and at least one crossing fairway. I adjusted the tees and baskets to something that made more sense.

Because the course is cramped into such a small place, some aspects are a little odd. Hole 6 looks good until you realize a good drive ends up in the creek. That's not how holes are supposed to play out. The area around the tee of 6, baskets of 7 and 8, and the tee of 9 has a bunch of tees and baskets in the same area, and I was constantly guessing if I was in the right place. Some drives course easily fly over adjacent fairways. In addition, holes 10 and 11 are... strange; I don't have a better word to describe them.

An errant shot could easily end up on a playground (hole 1), basketball court (hole 3), and several roads (14, 16, 17).

Oh, and the holes are all really short. I didn't always notice this on the front nine, since there are plenty of trees, and the holes on the back nine are a little longer and have more extreme elevation change, but there wasn't enough variety.

Other Thoughts:

Basically, while there were some good design decisions here, the fact remains that there's just no way to do a proper course here without running into a lot of issues. As a result, this probably should have been just nine holes, or maybe nine baskets with two tees for each hole. That would have let the course keep its variety and ability to have several groups of students on the course at a time but still remove the most boring holes, weird holes, and holes that overlap with each other or other infrastructure.

This course certainly has its merits, but its age is showing and there is enough that's just not good about it that I have a hard time thinking this will be on many people's go-to list. I'm sure it's great for students at the school, but there's not much else.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.1 years 175 played 173 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Yated Community

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 11, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


18 bright pink DisCatchers around the school grounds and in the woods to its East side. You'll find flavor on many holes if you are willing to brave some obstacles.

Elevation all over the land is the main challenge. The greens of 1-3, 12-13, 15, and 18 are all set on some steep slopes. 4, 5, 8, and 12 are sharp uphill drives, while 3, 6, and 11 are long downhills, and 17 plays downhill to an island.

A few tight holes add some fun. 4 is a narrow uphill with low branches to avoid, while 6 has a few lines to a very small green surrounded by a creek.

14 and 15 have distance and cool greens, 14 is an elevated pin, 15 is on a berm. 17's island is also enjoyable.


There is no real meat on this course. If it's tight woods, it's short. If it's long distance, it's wide open. You're only asked to showcase one skill per hole, and while appropriate for school aged kids this does not make for an interesting course.

1 could be a pain if you throw over the fence and back into the parking lot. 13 is a weak attempt at elevation difficulty. It is difficult, but it doesn't deserve to be. 12 is on the same slope, but it's too easy. 18 has the parking lot on the left, and has not much else going for it.

Teeing areas are inconsistent and inconvenient. 1 is a sidewalk, 2 is grass, 3-11 are gravel, and 12-18 are some sort of rubber/asphalt thing. Most are aged and cracked/failing. Along with this, some low branches need to be thinned, and more defined mowing would be a huge help (10 suffers greatly).

Routing is nonexistent. 4 to 5, 8 to 9, 10 to 11, 13 to 14, and 15 to 16 are all unintuitive and would need a map. Oh and let's not talk about the possibility of zinging one onto or across Crackerneck Rd off 11's tee.

Locked gates have been present this schoolyear (per Udisc reviews) on 2, 5 if you want to play the long tee, and the transition from 17 to 18. They are hoppable for young'uns like me, but for others…

Other Thoughts:

This is a course. Someone clearly still cares about it, but doesn't have enough support to continue the maintenance. It's worth a stop since there are plenty of unique challenges, just one at a time.
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1 3
Experience: 7.3 years 15 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

william yates elementary 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2018 Played the course:once


mostly par 3, most under 300 ft., short but fun and challenging course. For all abilities.


older course, #15 tee pad missing alone with the post.

Other Thoughts:

nice fun short course. most holes less than 3 hundred feet. still challenging
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1 0
Experience: 23.4 years 15 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

William Yates 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2017 Played the course:once


If you want a quick round this ia a fun short course. Easily playable with 1-3 discs. Nice use of elevation, trees and the space available.


Signs broke/missing. Basket on hole #13 was missing. Hours of availability (understandable because it is built around a school). Can be slightly confusing to navigate the first time out.

Other Thoughts:

I feel that this course can be played with just a putter if you want. All that was needed for to cover every situation were a Buzzz SS, Firebird (couple of RHFH shots) and Judge.
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4 2
Experience: 9.4 years 36 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A little, bitty gem 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


- yes, the holes are short but they are NOT a bunch of ace runs
- excellent use of trees and terrain to put the focus on accuracy and placement
- clean and reasonably well-maintained
- several shots where baskets are on slopes requiring you to not just get there but land right to avoid rolling away


- cannot be played during school hours (really only a minor thing, though)
- some holes on the front may be difficult or unplayable if there's been a lot of rain

Other Thoughts:

Google maps will take you to the North side of the property. The parking is on the South side and the neighborhood streets aren't a grid, so check the map carefully. This course is on a children's playground, be aware of your throws and the kids that will be playing around you. The property is marked with bans on alcohol, drugs, paraphernalia, and cussing. Cops patrolled while we were playing on a Sunday morning.

While the course works hard to avoid being a cakewalk, it is a fairly quick play. Our card of 5 played the whole thing in 1.5 hours and we weren't hurrying. So, we played a second round using only our mid-ranges. Regardless of its short stature, this is a fun course.
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4 0
John Theiss
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

a couple new improvements 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


Being a school course there are issues with funding and sometimes you have to be patient or creative to make improvements. We have been waiting on volunteers to help out with certain issues and in the last year there has been some major improvements. EPIC church has been very helpful with work days and have formed strong ties with the course. New tee signs were installed thanks to an Eagle Scout project. Also, a second row of inner chains were added which helps out tremendously and even though the baskets are DB5's they do catch very well now. These chains were donated from a local parks department that replaced their older rusty Discatcher chains. We are glad to have any chains, rusty or not.


Limited hours of use for public due to course being closed during school hours. However, this course was installed for the school kids first as the primary users and second for everyone else.

Other Thoughts:

William Yates Sprint DG course has been in the ground for ten years. Numerous children have learned to play here. We appreciate the school district supporting disc golf and when they make changes to the land out there, they have continued to be mindful of the course and try to protect its integrity.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.6 years 206 played 63 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Junior and Beginner course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 17, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has a lot of elevation present, especially considering it's on school property. It is also used with a great variety of uphill, downhill, and valley holes. 10/10

They did a great job of using the obstacles that they had in such a small area to make a good 18 hole course. They could have maybe made a 9 hole course with more length and still had junior tees that were just as short or have 3 tees, but considering the intent it's 9/10.

There is a good variety of openness on shots, holes 4-11 are through the woods, and the rest are more open, but still have enough hazards to make the holes interesting. My only complaint here is that the variety is not mixed in very well. 8/10

There is actually pretty good variety in the distances of the holes, there just aren't any long ones (except for 14 kind of). Most of the front nine is quite a bit shorter and then the back nine has a little more length. 7/10

Discs are generally pretty easy to find. The brush in the woods is a little thick in some places like hole 4 and 17, and the tree line to the right of 15 and 16 could eat discs too. 7/10

There is a good variety of shot paths required here. Holes 2, 10, and 16 are right to left, while 3, 5, 11, and 17 are left to right. 7/10

The course is mowed very well, but the tees and signs are deteriorating a bit and there has been some litter both times I've been there. 6/10 on course maintenance

Navigation between holes is okay. The third tee was a bit hard to find, and I had some trouble with 14 and 17 as well. Some are on walking path's or the asphalt playground (5, 14, and 18) which makes them a little harder to find. Overall 6/10

There are some holes that force you to make decisions about how to play them. This is more true from hole 14 on, but is present a few times on the front nine too. 6/10


I saw two posts set up for alternate hole positions, but most only have one setting. (There were also two baskets set up for 18, not sure if one was a spare in case another got damaged?) 1/10

The baskets only have the one ring of chains and the tees are small and gravel for the most part. The size isn't too bad since it's so short so you don't really need much of a run-up, but they could use some evening out. 3/10

Navigation on the holes themselves was probably good when the course was new, but now some of the tee signs are missing or the maps are illegible. On some holes it's not much of a problem, but on hole 1 for example, you can see 3 baskets from the tee that are all about the same distance away. Also I think the first time I played from the 15 tee to the 16 basket without noticing. 4/10

This course will not provide experienced players or players with any distance with a challenge, and is pretty much just good for practicing approaches for these players. It is only for beginners learning accuracy and junior players. Multiple sets of tees help a little, but even the back tees are very short. 4/10 on challenging all levels

Other Thoughts:

Overall Challenge 2/10 from shorter tees, 3/10 from longer tees.

The is a good course to bring new players to to let them get a better feel for what longer courses are like without making them throw 400ft holes.
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4 0
Experience: 12.3 years 146 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Short! Don't have to take hours to play it, does not wear your arm out. Only need putters and mids...and maybe not even the mids.

Good neighborhood! Don't have to worry about your safety or your car.

Variety! Uphill, downhill, over valleys, over rises, along hillsides, open, through woods, and over and by creeks. Different directions, so wind and sun coming from different ways. Basket to the left, right, and straight ahead.

Challenging! Ability to make different shots needed to score well. Long tees increase the challenge, not just the distance. You can one disc this course fairly easily, but it definitely lowered my score when I did; it is useful to have at least one each of overstable, neutral, and understable discs. Several holes really seemed to me to need a mid, rather than just a putter (1, 5, 14, 17, & 18). At least half the holes I really felt that I accomplished something to get par (3).


Many of the signs are broken and/or missing. Some tees are not in good shape. A few tees are almost not there, some are not marked, some poorly marked. Some of the tees are very short, not allowing any runup. Some places, even with the map, it is hard to tell where to go next. The baskets are not numbered and don't have flags.

Other Thoughts:

Not just a walk in the park, what with the hills it is good exercise.

There are a few trashcans scattered around. No benches, but I am considering this neutral, rather than a con, because of the course being so short.

Sign (at tee 5!) says hours are 4:15 to sunset on school days. Other days either 8 or 9 AM (I don't remember for sure) to sunset. There are some other rules which can be summed up by: There are little kids around, so be courteous and behave yourself.

Watch out for thorns of various sizes in the woods and by the creeks.

If I lived closer to this course I would play it often. If it were not for the sign and directional problems I would rate this a 4.
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 52 played 41 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Cute and Short 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Good use of elevation and trees.
Despite the extreme shortness of the course, there are some very good technical shots.


There needs to be a course map at the start of the course as there are some holes (mainly the first few holes) that are confusing as to which basket is the correct one to throw at.
I believe they could have put some more distance on the holes. If not, a longer 9 hole course would have been nice instead.

Other Thoughts:

It was a nice course to play on the way from Wilbur Young (Blue Springs) to Rosedale.
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2 3
Experience: 12.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Blast for non power players 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2010 Played the course:once


Great techinical course for those of us who are not big throwers. Elevation changes, mandos through the trees, holes hidden behind trees were a challenge that didn't require a 350 foot drive.


New hole layout for 10, 11, 12 intially difficult to follow, but my son and I figured it out.

Other Thoughts:

Can not play while school is in session.

The idea behind the developement of the course is to get kids out and get them some exercise, since the course is built on the elemetary school property.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 37.5 years 302 played 188 reviews
3.00 star(s)

This is a “Mini-Me” of a Pro Designed Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 25, 2010 Played the course:once


This one was tough to review and this is why. It has many of the things that some really good course have, but on a very short and small scale. The holes are very short on many of the holes even from the long tees. They have done some great thing to this place considering the size and area. This course has woods, wide-open fairways, OB, mandos, elevation, possible water in a little creek like area, some protected pins and a couple doglegs. Many of the holes were fun to play. I enjoyed the double mandos where you had to shoot through a tree with the dual trunks in a big V shape. The wooded holes were really great. It is almost like having a pro course for little kids.


This course has limited public access due to school. At the time of this review, during school days the course is closed 9am to 4pm. So that basically leaves nights, weekends, holidays, and summer. The holes are very short from the short tees and normal short form the long tees. The long tees were put wherever they could find a spot. You will find many of them on sidewalks and one is even on a basketball court. (see pictures). You could really use a map to find the long tees. One basketball court is within the driving area of hole #14 from the long tee. The chance of hitting someone on #14 long tee should be a concern if people are present. The tee pads are a mix of cement sidewalks, asphalt, gravel, & rubber. There are some nice tee signs, but they are not all up to date as of the time of this review.

Other Thoughts:

The Fun Factor here was pretty good. I really enjoyed seeing such a fun design on a small scale. This is in no way a real challenge for the average player, but it was without a doubt enjoyable. It was easy to see why there were so many 3 ratings before mine. If I rated it as a kids only course a 4 would be well deserved. We do not rate course on here as kids or adults only courses. So to give it a 4 or higher would be falsifying how it plays for most people.
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4 4
Experience: 22.4 years 110 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Possibly the best for the purpose anywhere 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Amazing use of great land--hills, woods, open. Tight alleys demand precision, to teach straight throwing. More open holes at the end allow longer drives. For adults, a great midrange/putter workout. Designed for kids, so that's how it should be reviewed.


Last few holes are sort of crammed in, but still not horrible. Enough to knock it down from a 5 in my book.

Other Thoughts:

The use of mandos, doglegs, and the natural lay of the land is amazing. Possibly the best-designed course, relative to intent and land available, I've seen anywhere. I can't imagine what would be better. This is a MUST PLAY course for anyone, you'll leave with a huge smile! DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL OR OTHER RECREATIONAL SUBSTANCES ON THIS COURSE. And, PICK UP YOUR TRASH!! But, most of all, have fun with your midrange.
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2 2
KC Red
Experience: 13 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Great Little Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Challenging shots even though they are short.
Course is clean and well taken care of.


No restroom facilities.
Course closed during school hours (understandably)

Other Thoughts:

This is a quick course that provides a challenge for even skilled players. Even though the holes are not long enough to do some serious driving it provides great upshot practice and a chance to put away that driver and take out your favorite mid-range disc.

I would give this course a rating of 5 for kids and beginning players.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.4 years 994 played 118 reviews
3.00 star(s)

How sweet to have disc golf for PE class! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 9, 2008 Played the course:once


Course Level: Green (most suited for kids, short throwers, and players rated 775-825.)
This is an excellent Green level course. The course was mainly built for school kids, so it's most appropriate for them, and it excels for that group. This means, though, that most experienced adult males will find the course way too short, especially from the short tees.
Note: This course was hard to rate. This is the highest rating I've given to a Green level course. If I only rated this course by how enjoyable it is for the intended player level then it would easily be rated a 5. But for consistency in my rating system I consider challenge for an adult male to be an integral part of my rating, so my highest ratings are reserved for more challenging courses, and Green level courses are rated lower.

This is the best 18 hole Green level course that I've ever played! Most Green level courses are only 9 holes anyway. I saw a dad out with his 10 year old daughter and I thought that's what this course is all about. They've put in a great deal of care into the design and a lot of work and resources into the course.
Nice elevation changes! 9 are up and 9 are down. The maximum changes vary from 22 ft down to 21 ft up.
There's a good mix of wooded mixed, and open holes. (Long = 7 Wooded/ 2 Open/ 9 Mixed)
Two sets of tees on 7 holes. The longer tees give more challenge to more experienced players.
Cement Tees.
Tee signs are very good, with lengths and pictures of the holes.
Map- Online aerial map is very helpful.
There's a practice basket near 18's basket, so if no one is on hole 18 you can throw back and forth between them.


Baskets- Lightning DB-5s are a little lower quality.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole: 6. Downhill through a tree lined fairway to an excellent green with a creek in front of it.

-By design all of the holes are short. The short tees are 17 of 98-145 ft/ 1 of 176 ft. The long tees are range from 108 to 245 ft with 12 holes in the 100-150 ft range.
-I got a kick out of a 145 ft par 4 hole.
-The school stipulated that holes 12-18 had to be more open so that they could monitor kids in PE classes. (I sure wish that I could've played disc golf during PE in elementary school!)
-Understandably, the course is closed during school hours: M-F 8 am - 4:15 pm

If you know a kid that wants to learn disc golf then by all means take them here. Even if you're an adult who is new to the game, you can still hone your game and learn the fundamentals on an easier, shorter course. I wish that my area had a Green level course like this where my kids could have learned the game on a course designed for them. John Theiss is to be highly commended for designing this great addition to the KC plethora of fine courses!

<span class="underline">A note about my rating:</span> My rating is a subjective measure of my <span class="italic">enjoyment</span> of the course, on the day I played it, and it is NOT intended to be a measure of the <span class="italic">quality</span> of the course. My Enjoyment Ratings are given "on the curve" in relation to all other courses I've played.

Look in the "Links/Files" section for my files with Hole-by-hole ratings and a more detailed Overall review. You can also read more of my review philosophy and rating notes at Disc Golf Course Reviews
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7 0
Doktor John
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 35.7 years 423 played 64 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Cool little course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2008 Played the course:never


Very well used space
Nice use of elevation
Nice challenging Mandos
Good variety
Requires technical accuracy
Good upshot practice (from tees)


On school grounds - so closed until after school
Short holes
Can get bottled necked if non-technical players are there...with all the obstacles

Other Thoughts:

The reson I rated this kinda high for a short, little course is because it is well laid out given the space to work with...they were able to make it as fun and challenging as possible.
I've been to some courses in similiar settings that have been totally redundant and boring compared to this one.
Unfortunately, this course is "competing" with some awesome courses in the KC Metro area, so if I lived around there I would prefer to make the drive to some of the others...but if I had a restricted time schedule and just wanted to have some fun threading the needle...this course would fit the bill
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