Okay that should work out then. I have to check my schedule but I am sure I will have a day or two within that time. I have a friend that lives a few miles away from River Road so I am down to go to that one. I get my schedule in a couple days and I can tell you what days would be great then.
Also if you have any plans on hitting up Hickory sometime I am down to join. I love that course.
Hey man, I plan on hitting up a couple courses up north here soon. I am thinking over in Boyne would be the best bet. I will send you a message when the exact date is but we should definitely chuck a few discs and you can teach me some things because I still have a lot to learn
Hey, when you're coming through, let me know if you'd like some company playing any courses in the Ann Arbor, Metro Detoit area...from Rolling Hills to Addison Oaks - I'll hook up if you're game.
If you plant to drive into WV from this area, check out The Timberdoodle Thicket - fun course!
I would write a review on The Crowle Hole, but I was only able to play the front nine. I had the family in tow and they were ready to head home before we even started. I do plan on getting over there again, but I can't be sure when because of the amount of events I am hosting this year.
Just wanted to let you know about Battle for the Border: Michigan V. Ohio, dates and location have been set. Check out the thread and hope you can make it.
Hey, thanks for the heads up and support! I wish we could, unfortunately our manufacturer doesn't allow public visits due to other customers/work affiliated at their facility (GM, etc) and their proprietary regulations. Either way feel free to shoot us an email or call, thanks!
Yo, I have a buddy who works at Crystal and the report is that they are reworking the course by putting up signage and making tee pads. Supposedly they are trying to convince management to make it 54 holes eventually. Sounds like a revival.
My work brings me up to the Curtis and Engadine area fairly often, in fact this summer and fall I have two projects starting construction. I will definitely hit Silver Mtn up again - not much else to do.
When are you gonna get up and play the Tailings?? It's the finest UP course around (considering Silver Mt has some pretty rough spots despite the greta terrain). They'll be hosting a tournament there in July (saturday the 16th I think). I think I'm gonna end up being the TD.
A congratulations on getting your bronze trusted reviewer status!! I know I'm a little early but you had 99 positive and I gave your newest review a :thmbup: so you should get it soon. Don't forgot to send Tim a message and get your mini. Just in case you haven't seen it:
Two words....Champ Cobra. Why didn't I get one months ago when you told me about them???? I got one from a guy that works at PIAS. He used to be Pro, they didn't have any in stock or used and he had a personal one behind the counter he sold me. I was hitting about 200 ft straight as could be today!!! So happy!!
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Can't stop!
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