Birdie Member
So as we know, the effects of dome/flatness do not carry over across all molds. Dome in one mold often adds stability, and in another lessens stability. If you are not intimately familiar with a mold, how are ya supposed to know? Say I wanted to get a new mold or get multiples of one I already own... Wouldn't it be swell to know how dome/flatness typically affects that mold, all else being equal? This got me thinkin'... let's crowdsource it.
Let's get a thread going where someone names one or more Innova molds and those who ARE intimately familiar with the mold can reply with how they think dome/flatness affects the stability (or flight in general) of that mold. Let's assume other variables (weight, plastic, disc speed, etc.) are equal. If you could provide your approximate power level in the responses, that might be helpful because obviously disc speed is going to have an effect on these dome/flatness effects.
I thought about doing this "survey" for any mold, but thought it might be better to separate it by brand, starting with Innova, since there's probably more evidence and Innova experts out there than any other. If this works, we can start threads for other brands. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not. Obviously the answers will be anecdotal, but hey, can't hurt to try. Should be interesting either way. Add your own expertise on specific molds as you see fit. A mold doesn't have to be asked about, just hit us with that knowledge! No doubt a lot of this info is elsewhere on the site but it would be nice to have it all in one spot eh comrades? I'll start with some classic molds (mostly) to get the gears spinnin'. I'm also genuinely curious to see what the internet has to say. Let's do it.
How does dome/flatness affect the stability/flight of the following Innova molds?:
Animal, Colt, any Aviars, any Rocs, MD3/Mid-Disc3, Mako3, Eagle, Leopard3, Teebird, Teebird3, Firebird, Thunderbird, Valkyrie, Sidewinder, Roadrunner, Beast, Orc, Wraith, Destroyer, Boss, Shryke, Corvette
Let's get a thread going where someone names one or more Innova molds and those who ARE intimately familiar with the mold can reply with how they think dome/flatness affects the stability (or flight in general) of that mold. Let's assume other variables (weight, plastic, disc speed, etc.) are equal. If you could provide your approximate power level in the responses, that might be helpful because obviously disc speed is going to have an effect on these dome/flatness effects.
I thought about doing this "survey" for any mold, but thought it might be better to separate it by brand, starting with Innova, since there's probably more evidence and Innova experts out there than any other. If this works, we can start threads for other brands. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not. Obviously the answers will be anecdotal, but hey, can't hurt to try. Should be interesting either way. Add your own expertise on specific molds as you see fit. A mold doesn't have to be asked about, just hit us with that knowledge! No doubt a lot of this info is elsewhere on the site but it would be nice to have it all in one spot eh comrades? I'll start with some classic molds (mostly) to get the gears spinnin'. I'm also genuinely curious to see what the internet has to say. Let's do it.
How does dome/flatness affect the stability/flight of the following Innova molds?:
Animal, Colt, any Aviars, any Rocs, MD3/Mid-Disc3, Mako3, Eagle, Leopard3, Teebird, Teebird3, Firebird, Thunderbird, Valkyrie, Sidewinder, Roadrunner, Beast, Orc, Wraith, Destroyer, Boss, Shryke, Corvette