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HOD 4/13/12 Shelby, MI


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Premium Member
Feb 24, 2011
Flip City Disc Golf Park
Shelby, MI

Hole #4A
Red: 195' par 3
White: 270' par 3

Tee (not sure which one):

Course Map:

Oh, and I got the date right this time:)
That is the regular tees. Just played on Easter.

Teebird. Basket is about 6-8feet behind the first tree.
ah yes, flip city. cant wait to get back there. one of the less exciting holes at this beautiful course but the two holes before it can beat you up pretty good so its a nice spot for it. i throw a buzzz or wasp on a hyzer here.
I threw a Cyclone on this last time I was there but I might throw a Buzzz at the Flip Open I just signed up for in 3 weeks.:thmbup:
Beast on a wide line out to the right, let it fade back.
Cryztal challenger or dx roc from the tee. Can't see the basket but I'm pretty sure that's what I'd need :D
FH XD on a turnover right into the basket from both pads.... ACE RUN
Short: dx roc nice and easy.
Long: Eagle X for the slight hyzer