Got my B15 back, thank goodness:

174 *DS (Freshish, fairly OS)
170 *DS (Beat, flippy/hyzer-flippy)

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips that finish just left of straight)
175 1.9 SOLS (Well seasoned, fliptastic)

177 Champystar Eagle X (Beefy, tricky flex lines)
168 Star Teebird (Seasoned but still OS)
170 PFN Star Leopard (seasoned, neutral to US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)
176 Glow DX San Marino Roc (For risky situations)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Recon Tank (OS driving/upshot putter)
172 Champ Aviar P&A (Neutral/US driving/upshot putter)
175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)
174 *DS (Freshish, fairly OS)
170 *DS (Beat, flippy/hyzer-flippy)

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips that finish just left of straight)
175 1.9 SOLS (Well seasoned, fliptastic)

175 11x Champ Eagle X (Beefy, tricky flex lines)
168 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned but still holds hyzers)
170 PFN Star Leopard (seasoned, neutral to US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Champ Aviar P&A (Fresh/Neutral to US driving/upshot putter)
172 PFN Star Aviar P&A (Flippy)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)

Nice! Surprised you're throwing that gazelle vs something like a champ leo or something that could still hold a hyzer when fresh. How do you like it? Have you bagged them before?
Like the bag, nice and solid.

I would be terrified to this bag. I'd never be playing water courses...
Oh. Some DX and backups go in for water courses. 7th run CPDs and whatever fairways and DX Rocs -- stuff from the racks.

The Gazelle is my first Koda. Only one round with it. Nice little mini Eagle. I'd like a heavier one. Badly. It will hold a hyzer, but excels at the flip or turnover to flat landing.
Check out the champ glow gazelles or if you have the time a champ gazelle beats in really well. Both a very suitable 11x replacement.
Those are great. The are like a mini-firebird to start, then beat into 0HSS and 2LSS. Great, Great Disc.
Lots of fieldwork and 54 holes yesterday. Locked some sh!t down:

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips that finish just left of straight)
172 1.1 QOLF ( Slightly more beat)
175 1.9 SOLS (Well seasoned, fliptastic)

175 11x Champ Eagle X (Beefy, tricky flex lines)
172 Champ Glow Gazelle (OSish)
168 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned but still holds hyzers)
170 PFN Star Leopard (seasoned, neutral to US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)
176 Glow DX San Marino Roc (Flippy stuff)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Champ Aviar P&A (Fresh/Slightly OS driving/upshot putter)
172 PFN Star Aviar P&A (neutral/US)
172 DX Classic Aviar (flippy)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)
Yes...yes...let the gazelles into your bag.

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
171 Pat.# SPD (Needed a little more beef back)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips that finish just left of straight)
168 1.1 SOLF (Well seasoned, flips)

175 Champ Glow Gazelle (OSish)
167 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned but still holds hyzers)
171 PFN Champ Leopard (Neutral)
170 PFN Star Leopard (seasoned, neutral to US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)
176 Glow DX San Marino Roc (Flippy stuff)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Champ Aviar P&A (Fresh/Slightly OS driving/upshot putter)
172 PFN Star Aviar P&A (neutral/US)
172 DX Classic Aviar (flippy)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)
170 Star Destroyer (Seasoned)

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
171 Pat.# SPD (Fresh beef)
171 Pat.# SPD (Seasoned, sweeping hyzers or full power flat rips)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips that finish just left of straight)

175 Champ Circle Stamp Gazelle (OS)
167 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned)
171 PFN Champ Leopard (Neutral)
170 PFN Star Leopard (seasoned, US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)
176 Glow DX San Marino Roc (Flippy stuff)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Champ Aviar P&A (Fresh/Slightly OS driving/upshot putter)
172 PFN Star Aviar P&A (neutral/US)
172 DX Classic Aviar (flippy)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)
170 Star Destroyer (Seasoned)

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
171 1.4 QOLF (Finally a flat, beefy QOLF to fill that solid HSS spot)
174 1.1 SOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
175 1.1 QOLF (Well seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips with a touch of finish)
175 1.9 SOLS (Flippy stuff, rollers)

167 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned but stable)
171 PFN Champ Leopard (Neutral)
170 PFN Star Leopard (Seasoned, US)

177 San Marino Q-Sentinel (Beefy long mid/short fairway)
178 2005 USDGC Rancho Roc (Fresh, general OS mid duties)
176 2008 USDGC San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral and anhyzers)
177 Ti Comet (Flippy stuff)

175 Glow Z Zone (Zone stuff)
175 Recon Tank (Moderatly OS and slow)
172 PFN Star Aviar P&A (neutral)
172 DX Classic Aviar (flippy)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)
Last edited:
Loving your setup. A little jealous of your OLF cycle. Wish I had stocked up on earlier runs. New OLFs just aren't the same. I do the same thing with Firebirds. Throw a mix of Firebirds as distance drivers.
Also, Qsents are a thing of beauty. I have never seen a disc go so flat and nice on standstill tosses. Bagged one of the newer run Brinsters last year. Yellow, and a little gummy, but still sweet.
Do you find your Comet and Grid Aviar overlapping a little? I keep wanting to drop my comet, and leave an extra Aviar in the bag, as I can range them a little better, but I throw the Comet off the tee, especially downwind under 280. Aviar just doesn't fill that slot.
Loving your setup. A little jealous of your OLF cycle. Wish I had stocked up on earlier runs. New OLFs just aren't the same. I do the same thing with Firebirds. Throw a mix of Firebirds as distance drivers.
Also, Qsents are a thing of beauty. I have never seen a disc go so flat and nice on standstill tosses. Bagged one of the newer run Brinsters last year. Yellow, and a little gummy, but still sweet.
Do you find your Comet and Grid Aviar overlapping a little? I keep wanting to drop my comet, and leave an extra Aviar in the bag, as I can range them a little better, but I throw the Comet off the tee, especially downwind under 280. Aviar just doesn't fill that slot.

1.4 SOLFs are pretty damn sweet, truth be told. I'll never come off my stacks of 1.1s, but I could pretty happily throw 1.4 SOLFs if I had to.

The Brinster Sentinels are great discs. I'd think about one If I lost all my San Marino Sentinels. The Brinsters are a different animal - domey and glidey, but still OS - but I like the flat fast super-OS old flatties.

Yes. Very much. And the Comet overlaps the Leopard(s) as well. But when I go months without the Comet it always sortof just creeps back in. So I should stop fighting it.
I don't think I've even seen a 1.4. Does Miller have some at the Depot? I bought a Domey metal flake 1.3 and was not impressed. I think I might be short changing the mold a little. I really want to revisit Millenium discs. Back in the day it was CE JLS and Polaris off the tee all day. But I found them hard to replace.
Lost my favorite 1.1 QOF and my beloved Glo Z Zone to a pair of ponds way up north.

171 *DS (Flat and beefy)
174 *DS (Seasoned but still OS)
170 *DS (Seasoned to neutral)

175 Glow Champ FB (Beefy)
170 1.4 SOLF (OS enough)
174 1.1 QOLF (Freshy, a touch of turn but plenty of finish)
173 1.1 QOLF (Seasoned, for holding the turnover or long hyzerflips with a touch of finish)

173 1.2 QJLS (Fresh, flip to fade or forced turns)
174 1.1 CE JLS (Seasoned, flippy)

175 11x KC Pro Gazelle (HSS with healthy fade)
167 11x KC Pro Gazelle (Seasoned but stable)

180 2006 USDGC Champ Rancho (Fresh beef)
176 2008 USDGC Champ San Marino Roc (Worn, neutral)
180 KC Pro Roc (Seasoned to straight)
176 DX Glow San Marino Roc (Getting flippy)

173 ESP Zone (Puddle top beef - thanks Harkey)
175 Recon Tank (Moderatly OS and slow)
172 Champ Aviar P&A (Neutral)

175 SP g25 Wizard (For Stickin' Putts)
175 OGSS Wizard (For stickin' longer putts)

I'm just going to leave this alone for a while -- not going to get to play much for the next couple months. No time to be tinkering.