Cleveland, WI

Cleveland Elementary School DGC

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Cleveland Elementary School DGC reviews

3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.8 years 1176 played 760 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 28, 2014 Played the course:once


The course plays around the south side of the school. There are some trees that come into play on a few holes. There is a practice basket between hole 9's basket and hole 1's tee area. This can basically make it 10 holes and get you back to the parking lot. Each basket is a different color which is pretty cool and something I've never seen before.


No tee pads or signs, not a big deal as you'll probably want to make up your own shots anyway. Very short holes though. It is an elementary school.

Other Thoughts:

Nothing to go out of your way to play but awesome for young kids to learn the game. This is a typical elementary school course. Bring the kids here or just skip it if you're an experienced player.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.5 years 1038 played 214 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Great elementary school course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2014 Played the course:once


Great baskets. Every hole's target is a different color, which on an elementary school course, is a pretty cool feature.

Boards in the ground, and painted, serve as the tee pads. All easy to find, and the ground behind them was all level and solid. Decent for natural tees.

Navigation is pretty easy (once you realize hole 1 is across the playground). The course basically just winds around the playground, next to the fence. Hole 9 is the only hole that strays, as it is back towards the parking lot.


Ultra short...but that's to be expected for a course used in elementary school gym classes. Ace runs galore...several of the holes are long putts for decent players.

As it's a school course, you can only play outside of school hours.

Other Thoughts:

If I was taking my small child to learn disc golf, this is probably where I'd take him/her. A kid will have a blast here, as the holes are short and mostly open. This is exactly what an elementary school course should be. The colored baskets are a perfect touch.

If you're into bagging every course you can, then take the 15 minutes and play this one. You could easily walk out with multiple aces and a smile on your face. Isn't that why we play the game in the first place?
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.7 years 936 played 137 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Last three holes interesting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2011 Played the course:once


Though I am only giving this a .5 (which equals bad on the rating description); I am going to say primarily positive things about the course.

You want an ace? Play here....
Suits elementary school course goals very well. The first six holes are quite basic and teach straight lines. Thus encouraging mids or putter tosses rather than high speed drivers; heizering all over the place.

Different colored baskets for each hole is actually kind of neat.

The last three shots are interesting; regardless of skill level. All three are so technical, that a very inventive shot is required for each; despite the short length.
Very low ceiling and/or very dense little trees to navigate.

This section is situated in a quite pretty little pine forest.

Course is very easy to navigate; primarily due to shortness. With the exception of the missing tee (see cons) on #5 they do all have tees; which is more than can be said for quite a few school courses.

Gonzo's safari 10 is a nice upgrade. Doesn't make for a great course by any means, but, puts it nearly in the "real course" category.

Regarding the safari layout; as with the original; the last three pins make for the most interesting shots and a few of these are used more than once; for safari layout (I actually took a four on the shot to the blue practice basket; which requires a first drive under a quite low hanging branch).
The next to last hole of the safari layout is the best example of forcing players to learn a forehand roller; that I have EVER seen (more than 525 courses played). The only other option for this shot (which I chose) was a low forehand skipper (rhbh). A good caddie would tell you to use the forehand roller; and if I lived around here; I believe I would spend whole afternoons simply learning/practicing that particular shot.

Home crafted baskets catch just fine.


Tee board in the ground for #5 is missing. There was a somewhat worn spot on the ground that I shot from; for all three different shots from there; and this spot worked well for all three.

Course, as designed, is ridiciously short.

Completely flat.

School course; meaning no play during school hours; no smoking, no drinking, etc.

If tree vandalizism occurs on that last three hole section; the uniqueness of those will disappear. Let's hope this doesn't happen; and most importantly; don't you be the one to vandalize! Remember this is really the only thing that makes the course worthwhile.

Other Thoughts:

Original Jaycee Quarry course designer, worked with Mr. Gonzo to create this little course (as well as LTC Cleveland).
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.1 years 1555 played 480 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Beginner course BY DESIGN . . . ace runs for the well travelled. 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2011 Played the course:once


1) Nice short beginner friendly course that still presents some challenge to the beginners.

2) Nice powder coated (I hope it isn't just paint) baskets each with a unique color. That's a nice feature to help beginners enjoy the course. Who isn't going to talk about those holes because of the color . . . Yeah I birdied Red Blue and Green.

3) Ace run courses can be fun too . . . just in a different way.

4) 4x4 posts in the ground to tee off from. It's better than nothing.

5) Course navigation is really easy . . .because it is so short.

6) The designer of this course is an awesome guy, and I have played with him before. I know how and why this course went in and I will not degrade the course because it does what it set out to accomplish . . . introduce the local children and others to this awesome game. I am thankful he got involved in his disc golf community and did something about the lack of courses, and I hope he keeps at it!

7) White Pines on the property . . . one of my favorite trees on disc golf courses.


1) Flat . . . I had a joke about prepubescent girls but then thought better of it (as if that isn't still a joke at least I felt bad about saying it).

2) Short short short . . . you can write your own joke.

3) A couple of the obstacles are really not indicative of true disc golf obstacles. They are "doable" shots but not really accurate portrayals of what disc golf is. This is mostly due to low hanging limbs or overgrown shrubs. This may not have always been like this, it may have only happened in the last two years since it opened.


Other Thoughts:

All in all this was a fun course to play with my wife. She enjoyed making some ace runs and a handful of birdies. I would guess that she might have the women's course record of -4. It is a beginners course but even well travelled players like myself can garner some enjoyment from the course. I don't care that it didn't challenge me very much, it gave me the chance to work on my "upshot" game basically and make some "controlled ace runs too". I wanted to give them all a shot but I still wanted to make my birdies.

I will be back if I am in the area again. I hope you will too . . . just take it for what it is!
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8 6
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.7 years 394 played 276 reviews
0.00 star(s)

D = Doesn’t Do much for Dave 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 25, 2010 Played the course:once


I think it is awesome that this school has a course that is excellently suited to introduce DG to elementary kids! I have 3 of them myself. So, I do feel bad giving this course a grade of a D....which is a "passable" grade but equates to a 0.0 on the DGCR scale.

What I personally like and how this course stacks up in my list of 9 hole courses:

1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == C-
(Holes 6-8 provide a little bit of challenge with multiple routes to choose from, but they are pretty short. Other than that, nil in this department.)

2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I'm a Blue level player (950ish skill) who throws 300' accurately, 360' max. == D
(Again, holes 6-8 provide the only fun on the course.....but I would hardly call carding birdies on these holes rewarding.)

3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == D+
(Completely flat course. Ditto on 6-8 being the fun ones due to multiple routes to chose from that all require some shot shaping.)

4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == C-
(The course is on the back side of a school in a rural setting so it is peaceful and quiet. It is certainly not ugly or blemished by fences or shoddy neighboring houses. But not much natural beauty or real get-away-from-it-all seclusion.)

5) Bonus points for multi-throw holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == NA

Other Thoughts:

I rate courses as consistently and honestly as I can in their ability to draw me back to themselves. In all honesty, this course has the same ability to draw me back to itself as putting a practice basket in a field.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.7 years 92 played 46 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bring the Kids and Work on Your Short Game! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


1. Awesome baskets! Each hole a different color!
2. The fact that this is an educational DG course for the kids at the school is a HUGE plus! Not only do they have a nice little course to play during recess, but the PE instructor can now get all the kids involved in the basics! Course courtesy and rule adherence is best when it's taught at a young age.
3. Great use of the existing land. The course wraps nicely around the edge of the property, incorporating open holes with a couple trickier baskets located in the wooded area, giving kids a nice variety of shots to work with and particular, they'll come to realize the importance of LOW shots when playing the wooded holes! There is also no interference between the course and the playground and other activities.
4. Easy to modify the layout to play safari/gorilla-style rounds (described in more detail below).
5. Practice/putting basket near the playground.


1. Too short for any serious player to get excited about, but like I said, it's a great course to work on your short game. All you'll need out here is a putter and a stable midrange.
2. No permanent tees (yet). Hopefully in the near future there will be tee indicators of some sort--right now there are flags at 7 of the tees (the flags for the first 2 holes were apparently removed by maintenance for mowing). UPDATE: White planks now mark the designated tee areas. No signs, but if you find yourself getting lost on this course you probably shouldn't even be navigating a vehicle!

Other Thoughts:

If you want to lengthen things up out here a bit and make things interesting, play a "safari" or "gorilla" round (what you call it doesn't really matter!) as follows:
1. Tee #1 to Black Basket (#2)
2. Tee #3 to Mauve Basket (#4)
3. Tee #5 to White Basket (#6)
4. Tee #7 to Purple Basket (#8)
5. Tee #9 to Blue Basket (Practice)
6. Blue Basket to Orange Basket (#1)
7. Tee #2 to Green Basket (#3)
8. Tee #4 to Pink Basket (#5)
9. Tee #6 to Red Basket (#7)
10. Tee #8 to Yellow Basket (#9) you will notice, playing this way gives you a 10th hole to play...have fun!
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