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[Innova] Alien

" after throwing this thing at elevation (I live at 4,753 feet) I can say that it's WAAAAY more overstable and glide less than I was hoping for sadly"

Bring the Alien to lower elevations and I think you'll like how it flies much better. I carry a spider for those shots but the Alien has a place for lid throwers.

Perhaps I'll bring it to Dallas with me :)
Tested out a DX Alien today. Only threw it a few times but wasn't real impressed with it to be honest. I'll need a lot more throws with it to make a judgement one way or the other. Probably going to keep it in the bag for the rest of the winter. I will say, that as goofy as it looks, it actually feels really nice in the hand. It flew more OS than I was thinking, not a ton, but definitely more than I was expecting.
Threw this goofy looking thing back in the bag again today. It's kind of grown on me surprisingly. Pretty unpredictable if it's windy but I've had enough good shots with out it keep dabbling with it.
Year one review. It's a good disc for when I need a 250 and under straight with slight finish, and hold the line kind disc, and it's my disc of choice for when I need (hold the line) placement with a lot of forward ground action. I can also use it as a putter on those type of par 3's. In the approach/etc.department. It typically goes with me as part of my get out of jail stack I take with me off the fairway. It is a goes where it is thrown at kind of disc. Whether bh or fh.
There are ton of discs that do flight similarly to an Alien, and several in my bag I use interchangeably for needs a slight finish and holds a line at its longer range. But, none of them get the skipping ground response like how the Alien does. Learning that with the disc has been able to open up a lot chances to birdie.

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