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Cape Girardeau MO. new course


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Bronze level trusted reviewer
Nov 17, 2008
Western Kentucky
More updates as things progress but a few of these teepads are in as well as the pin poles. This was taken with an old phone.

June 1st is the scheduled opening for the first holes then sometime before August the entire 18 should be in. I will keep this thread updated.
So, this is not the same course that had the disastrous design in the Cape, right?
What ever happened to that course? Didn't Innova contact them?
No this is a 'real' course.;) The other course is still there. Innova did contact them and they did move one or two pins but it's still very dangerous. We will have to wait till this one opens to judge if it's safe or not. The tees are fancy schmancy though.
up and running

the first phase- 12 holes- is up and running. the first weekend has gone smoothly and the public response has been extremely good. i will be posting this course on the website sometime this week. i am going to try and get some picture uploaded, too. in the meantime, here are a couple of items of interest:

this is totally different and unrelated to the Capaha course. I have offered, volunteered, contacted, and pleaded with the city to change some things about that course. i have been flat out told that it is the university's responsibility and the city is done with it- even though it is on city property. the course could be fixed to address the safety issues, and it could be done for free. i know because i have offered. i think they took such a beating on the review boards that they have just quit. i DO appreciate the effort they put forth. they got the disc rolling in cape and this new course probably wouldn't have happened if not for their efforts. despite the reviews the course has gotten, the Capaha Park course has still been played very heavily and usually quite busy. until today.;)

there have been no Rush sightings. yet. i doubt there ever will be. it is a fair amount of walking up and down slopes and hills. doesn't seem like his thing....

we are working on the poison ivy. it is an issue in some areas along the wood lines. in the meantime, i suggest that after you finish playing, give yourself a wash with some technu or zanfel. i have been in and out of the poison ivy all throughout the development of the course, and have found that using the washes DOES work. when i use it, i don't get any rashes.

it southeast missouri. in the summer. with woods. get some bug spray. mosquitoes have not been an issue, but there are ticks in the area. bug spray helps.

between holes 12 and 13, use the mulched path. we cut it in and installed a drainage culvert so people wouldn't have to back track around to hole 13.

hole 15 will have trees planted on it. this has been a dry and hot year so far. there just hasn't been a good time to plant trees we want on that hole. rather than throwing money down the drain, we are waiting until fall or a rare midwest monsoon to get them in.

there has been some talk of putting in a crosswalk between holes 14 and 15. the county parks people are basically waiting to see what the natural walking path people take will be before setting one up.

there are a few minor issues with the tee pads. a few people would like to see them a bit longer- although they are quite large already. i cannot promise anything, but i hope to be able to address these issues in the near future.

because of the lay of the land, the course is pretty RHBH friendly for now, with a couple of holes - 3, 7 and 14 being harder shots for LHBH throwers. if you are a lefty, forehand throws will be important on these if you cannot throw anhyzer shots.

the final 6 holes will be back in the woods: 2 holes right after hole 3 (which is currently in a temporary position, but who knows? people have really seemed to like this basket placement) and 4 holes between holes 7 and 12. these will be shorter, technical, wooded shots. i intend to make these a bit more favorable to LHBH tossers. these holes are already mapped out. the parks and rec people do not have the time needed to go into the woods and clear the flight paths, so it will be up to volunteer work to get these done. the parks people will be taking care of the tee pads and basket installation. basically, the faster the community works on getting these in, the sooner we will have a full 18.

trash cans and benches are forthcoming. we know, we know, we know. they are needed, but they cost money. as we acquire more sponsors and after we have a few small tourneys, we will get those in. maybe the park will take the initiative on this and get them in first.

if you have any questions or concerns about it, post them here for the time being. i will address them to the best of my ability. i designed it; the buck stops here. anyone who will be in the area and wants to play it can feel free to post something here and i will do my best to try and make it out to meet with you and walk the course through with you. suggestions are welcome and i would appreciate any input offered. the six holes in the woods are mapped and planned, but I am open to suggestions. We do want the best course possible.

Special thanks to Sam Davis. He definitely hasn't gotten the credit he deserves for all his help on this. He has been out there nearly every time i have been there: throwing the holes, clearing trees and brush, coming up with ideas, and playing devils advocate. He was out there more than any other volunteer and this wouldn't be the course it is without him. so if you are out there and you see a big black dude with a kickass handlebar mustache- thank him.
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Wow, those Tee pads look pretty nice...how long are the bricked tees? Maybe it's just the angle, but they seem kind of short. They are pretty though!
copied and pasted from above letter(there are a few minor issues with the tee pads. a few people would like to see them a bit longer- although they are quite large already. i cannot promise anything, but i hope to be able to address these issues in the near future.)
They do seem a bit short to me also. Mabey they can take the bricked part back to the back of the pad. That would be plenty of room. Until then I bet there will be a big hole in the chat toward the back of the pad where most folk will start their runnup.
Tee Pads

The Tee Pads are 10' long and 6 1/2' wide. There's 2' in front and back where the white rock lay. We had a great past weekend, and was able to talk with a lot of golfers we know and didn't know. After talking to the golfers about 1/2 or so say the same thing about the tee pads. We are thinking about extending the tee pads to the back by removing the white rock. We where able to get their thoughts on the coures and on things we need to change. We will do our best to make the changes. We want this to be a safe and fun coures for everyone. If you're in the area come by and play around then let us know what you think onthis thread if we didn't get a chance to talk to you on the course. We are always at the course if we're not working. If we don't get to see you out there Thanks for Stopping by. My Name is Sam or as fatty mcbutterpants (Theo) called me, the big black dude with a kickass handlebar mustache- Hope to see you on the coures.
Totally new to the sport, this is only the second course I've played after Capaha park.. But I really love this course! I can't wait to see what you do with the planned wooded course area. Plenty of people have walked up to us and asked what this Frisbee thing is all about, too.
Well good to know you are getting some feedback and taking them into account and possibly reworking some of the course. The tees on my local course are 12' long and at times I still feel they are too short! :) I like a lengthy run up though. They are nice and wide though and again...they look great. I'm not sure if I'll every have a chance to play the course, but my mom has family in TN and when coming from Mid-MO we go through Cape...she likes to shop sometimes so maybe next time we are through I'll convince her to drop me off at the course while she shops.
Any news on this course? From the look of the tee marker on 4 (or was it 6, before? The short one with the Xmas tree in the middle), it seems they changed their mind on the planned holes. Just curious if there's a new map someplace.

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