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Help a Fellow Disc Golfer - Thank a Million Teachers


Independent Operator*
Gold level trusted reviewer
Nov 19, 2008
Please vote to help awesome teacher and disc golfer Tita Ugalde, PDGA #83, win a $2,500 teaching grant from Thank a Million Teachers. Her grant is called Paying it Forward.

Please follow this link https://www.thankamillionteachers.com/vote-for-a-proposal/vote-for-a-proposal-form/

Type Ugalde in the search box, provide an email and submit your vote. Be sure to confirm your vote or it will not count. You can opt out and won't get any spam. I have been voting every day and have not received any type of spam.

The voting goes through the end of the month and the race is very close. The $2500.00 grants are awarded to the top six in each region. Currently Tita is in 7th place. It would be awesome if you could vote at least once to her help out. While you are at it, vote for some teachers in your area as well.

Thanks a million!
Paying It Forward

Tita's $2,500 grant proposal is called Paying It Forward. Please help her pay it forward today.

The voting ends tomorrow, November 30th. Please vote today and tomorrow. Type Ugalde into the search box to get started.

They no longer post the results, however, Tita usually got the most votes on nights and weekends, while the other teachers got the most votes on schooldays. Since school is out, hopefully her disc golf family can help put Tita on top this weekend.

Tita is already a two time PDGA Masters World Champion, let's help make her a World Champion teacher too!
Winner Winner! Paying It Forward

Thank you to everyone that voted. :thmbup:

Because of your support, World Champion Disc Golfer and school teacher Tita Ugalde won a $2,500 grant from Thank A Million teachers! :hfive: