You are very much so correct and you think you should get paid to play your best then go to crown point not emporia
Well anyway you look at it, Crown Point or Emporia, sounds like a donation if you just recieve a trophy in Kansas. You guys dont have to be scared because I want to win something more than a dust collector. What good is a trophy? So I can display it saying oh look at me, look how good I was once at this tournament. No people. 100 plus dollars just on entry fees should reward winners more than just a trophy and gag bag. Paying everyone back with junk just to enter saying thats where you money goes. Heck no. I don't like the way its heading. Paying your top winners with merchandise is why we pay a hefty fee. It's useable, sellable, and tradeable. That is the point some of you, that never win need to get. Of course I have no chance of placing like I would if I went to Crown Point I would be happy with players pack to say that I was there, but in the Am world I have a good chance of placing. I want to win merch, trophy, and title. Thats how it works. I dont expect anything just for showing up. Am I in the minority that values a hard earned dollar? I travel hours and spend tons of money on tourneys and have a blast just to play against other competative women. You guys have plenty to play against. We dont. Ill be there at worlds. You dont agree with me fine, But dont think I would donate my money for a trophy only tournament with a players pack in the future. I would rather donate it to the womens pro field and play against winners that want something for their efforts. 2014 Pittsburgh here I come.