I feel like my bag is in a pretty good spot and haven't changed much for the last couple of months, so I'll likely roll with this until end of the season.
174 FF Hypercane, light wear: the fast utility disc - fights all wind and has some serious ground play
172 Nocturnal Longhorn, newish: pretty beefy (pun intended), so much so that I dont' feel the need to have a Force in the bag. Generally for long hyzers, FH and BH. Faster beat up predator flight might be my best comparison
172 Apex Longhorn, newish: good stable distance driver for my sub 400' golf shots.
174 Eternal Longhorn, worn: can flip up or pull a nice S turn flight
174 Eternal Freetail, newish: I love this understable driver more than any I've ever thrown. smooth hyzer flips, consistent long turning shots, good tailwind driver. More stable than it's -4/1 rating would indicate.
172 Apex Freetail, worn: flip machine. beautiful rollers. can work a 3 direction flight with this disc, which I'm not sure I've ever done with a speed 10 disc. True to the -4/1
174 BigZ Predator, newish (very overstable)
173 Z Predator, worn (slightly overstable)
173 Z Predator, beat (straight)
167 Z Predator, beat ('flippy', works a ton of shapes)
Maybe I should have predators as their own section...this is a culmination of a cycling process started back in 2009ish? From somewhat flippy to quite overstable, everything is covered here!
174 BigZ Passion, newish: good straight to fade fairway.
174 ESP Passion, worn: tick of turn, tick of fade. one of the straightest overall drivers I've thrown. I didn't want to like the passion as much as I do, but it's hard to argue with the results I get from it.
174 FF Quake, worn: finally starting to lose a bit of fade after a couple of years, but still a nice, flat quake
174 SP Quake, worn: baby shoulder on this one, holds straight longer than the FF
176 FR Catrina Rift, new
176 FR Catrina Rift, worn
I use the Rift more as a short fairway driver than a midrange. Easily capable of 325' hyzer flip up lasers even in my hands
177 ESP Swirl 2019 MJ Comet, newish: bit of dome but a good, stable comet.
176 ESP Swirl Glo 2018 MJ Comet, beat: my most dependable disc in the bag. If it's not super windy and I *HAVE* to make a shot inside 300', this is probably going to be the one I reach for.
Putt and approach
174 SP Breaker, worn: dependable forehand approach disc. Will use off the tee for hyzers that I don't want gliding out too.
174 Apex Bullet, newish: probably the most sneaky long throwing putter I've used. very straight with a bit of finish
174 Royal Med Bullet, worn: finesse upshot disc. definitely a good mold that will lose it's fade before really getting any turn
174 Royal Med Bullet, worn (x2): matching pair for putting. a tick less glide than a pure, which fits my natural swing better.