Any tournaments in San Antonio, TX?


Par Member
Feb 12, 2016
Biloxi, MS
I'm going to be moving back to San Antonio in about a year and a half and was wondering what the tournament outlook in the area is. Looking in the usual places - and discgolfscene - doesn't show any results in the SA area. There seem to be a lot of courses, but is it a tournament black hole?
Generally suggest that folks look for the club links on the course pages or the old fashioned google search for facebook pages of clubs around the area. Maybe a local will pop on with some club names for ya. Good luck, elkevo.
Had some guys drive to my tournament in Cypress, TX (near Houston) from San Antonio. Talked to one of them and he said that they don't have many. Austin is close and I think they have more.
Yes to it being a tournament black hole. I just moved here from Arkansas and have been really disappointed with the Disc Golf scene here. I love the city but it really has been disappointing that there is hardly any tournaments here. BMO, in September, is decently big, but besides that, not much. The San Antonio Disc Golfers Facebook page is the best source for info. Lots of sporadic minis from a bunch of groups, but no tournaments, no point series, nothing too organized really. Sad. I guess I am going to have to start driving to Austin, Houston, Waco, etc. or start trying to get more involved with the club here and influence them to have more events.
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That's sad to hear. I enjoy tournaments, even though I suck, but I suppose I could be content with casual play.

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Ok, wow, just checked out the Facebook page and it looks pretty active! Looks like a good group of folks.

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I used to live there and was active with the club. We used to have a tournament series with several sanctioned events in town. Now it looks like the BMO and Live Oak Summer Open are the only two sanctioned gigs in town. Great group of people though and pretty good courses.

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