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Best course in south Louisiana disappeared

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Supreme Disc Golf Authority
Gold level trusted reviewer
Mar 6, 2008
New Orleans
Yesterday I asked DGCR to delete the old map of Bogue Chitto State Park so I could upload the new one after a re-design.

Instead, DGCR marked the entire course as extinct and didn't delete the old map either.

Where is pre-woke Tim when we need him?
Considering MikeK couldn't figure out how to upload a screenshot or post a URL to a page earlier this week, on a forum he's been using since 2008, I have zero confidence in his assessment that whatever happened was a DGCR error and not a user-error.

Since it's impossible for mere users to change a course to extinct, you are proven wrong again.
Since it's impossible for mere users to change a course to extinct, you are proven wrong again.
Given your demonstrated and admitted lack of understanding of basic functions of this site, which you've been using for 15 years, I don't have any confidence that you requested what you think you requested.
Since it's impossible for mere users to change a course to extinct, you are proven wrong again.

but you're a "supreme disc golf authority". Surely your powers are greater than that of a mere user.
Given your demonstrated and admitted lack of understanding of basic functions of this site, which you've been using for 15 years, I don't have any confidence that you requested what you think you requested.

Way to double down on stupidity. As a course designer who has updated maps several times before when Tim was around, again you are proven wrong and are really just making a buffoon of yourself as usual.
Way to double down on stupidity. As a course designer who has updated maps several times before when Tim was around, again you are proven wrong and are really just making a buffoon of yourself as usual.
Mike, you've been posting here for 15 years and you couldn't figure out how to upload a screenshot or add a link in a post within the last week. That you've used the site before is not an indication that you're technically capable of doing or requesting what you're claiming you did.

Frankly, the fact that you posted here in the general forum and not in the subforum where requests for help like this are regularly made and regularly responded to does not support the notion that you know what you're doing.
but you're a "supreme disc golf authority". Surely your powers are greater than that of a mere user.

They are—I have the power to make the moderators break their own rules in order to unfairly discriminate against me.

Unfortunately, useful powers have not been allocated to me.
Mike, you've been posting here for 15 years and you couldn't figure out how to upload a screenshot or add a link in a post within the last week. That you've used the site before is not an indication that you're technically capable of doing or requesting what you're claiming you did.

Tripling down on your stupidity now? The link I was trying to add was a review of Local Route from google by Nikko Locastro. There isn't a direct link.

Here's an indirect link to it though to prove you wrong that I'm too dumb to post a URL link:

Dang that's 3 2008 join date members in this thread.

I think we can do better than that.
I joined in 2009 and I remember there being plenty of silly pissing matches back then too. Maybe we all had more patience for it back then?
Tripling down on your stupidity now? The link I was trying to add was a review of Local Route from google by Nikko Locastro. There isn't a direct link.

Here's an indirect link to it though to prove you wrong that I'm too dumb to post a URL link:

There isn't?


Strange, seems there is.

Another point in the column under "MikeK can't figure out these websites."

You're really really really not supporting the point that you understand basic navigation of webpages, or that you didn't **** up your request.
Good. I'm glad to see you can learn with enough support. I'm glad I was able to guide you to that.

Now, to post a screenshot you're going to want to first take a screenshot with your device. If you let us know what kind of device you're on, I'm sure we can find you a tutorial. And from there we can show you how to use the "Manage Attachments" button that's been a part of these forums for well over a decade.
Ever wonder where the DGCR users have gone and don't contribute? This thread right here is the perfect example. What a stupid argument from both sides ffs.

(resumes lurker mode)

They're both the exact same spoiled, petulant child. One just happens to prefer blue; the other, red. Both annoying as hell.
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