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Music on course

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Or...and hear me out, just dont be an *******. Listen to your music at low volume or with headphones. Why is this a hard concept? Why is considered polite by you idiots to blast your music whenever and wherever you want, but impolite to tell you to turn it down?

Huge cognitive dissonance on both sides here.

Its not an all or nothing prospect, here. Want to listen to music over your tiny garbage speakers? Keep it down. If its loud enough that another group is annoyed by it, then you are wrong. It's not illegal, hut it shouldn't have to be.

Likewise, demanding pure silence is silly. Ever heard of cars? Birds calling? Barking dogs? All more abrasive than music. Someone cursing because they missed their putt (guilty) is more of a social injustice than music.

But I posit that if you are solo, just wear headphones. Do what Barry Shultz does and put one ear in or whatever. I get having a small speaker if youre in a group because you want to talk and still have background noise. I would never do it, and find it annoying but the chances of me hearing it when you have it at a reasonable volume are slim.

I never said I'd beat anyone up over it...in the words of Adam Sandler: "That's assault, brotha!" I dont stomp over to you like a goon, pull out the knife hand and scream at you to "TURN YOUR ****ING MUSIC OFF!" because that is easily ten times ruder than the music itself.

But if I hear your music, I will ask you to turn it down. Guess what? Never had an issue with it. Hell, most people dont need to be told.

BUT posters like AmsterdamHeavy want to play tough and say they dont care and will do whatever they want...I promise you that is not the case.

Like I said earlier: dont be an *******. Either way. Dont blare music. Dont physically or verbally assault those who do. How hard is that to understand?
I assure you it is not.

..and Id love to see the look on your face when I told you to f*ck right off. You better pull out a gun if you want to intimidate people, roughneck. Not every man is going to fold because your face gets red and because youve got some size on you.

...and over music, lol.
..and Id love to see the look on your face when I told you to f*ck right off. You better pull out a gun if you want to intimidate people, roughneck. Not every man is going to fold because your face gets red and because youve got some size on you.

...and over music, lol.
I didn't know disc golf had immature, self-important, man-children steroid raging around the facilities... I guess that means we are becoming a mainstream sport?
Why would anybody intentionally engage in something they know will decrease the enjoyment of others around them?

That's why I contend the playing of music out loud during a round on the course has less to do with the enjoyment of music and more to do with subconscious primate behavior. They WANT others to decrease their enjoyment. What pressing play does is assert control, effectively declaring, "I am the alpha here. All of you will hear my sounds and will do nothing about it."

If not, why couldn't a second guy in the group ask to have a turn and play his music for a few holes instead? You can predict that it would be awkward. Feathers would be ruffled socially. That's because the first guy's authority is being questioned. Jane Goodall nearby with notepad and pen could learn as much in this experiment as she did in the jungle...
you know a thread is really rolling when one post mentions gassing people, and the very next post references nazis.
I didn't know disc golf had immature, self-important, man-children steroid raging around the facilities... I guess that means we are becoming a mainstream sport?

Pretty funny as I have not threatened, or said I'd do anything to anyone except stand my ground if some lunatic like Mr. Big Country here thinks they are actually going to do something physical because I listen to music at a reasonable level and wont turn it off or down for anyone....and I'm the "internet tough guy", "douchebag", "rude, inconsiderate", "steroid raging manchild"; thats rich.

Perhaps you quoted the wrong post...because there's only one cat here making threats.
There's a lot of shadow boxing going on in this thread. Fighting phantoms and imaginary boom box toting boogeymen. A lot of tough guy posturing "I'll do what I want, the rest be damned!"

Funny, funny stuff.

Keep it classy, frolfers, keep it classy.
..and Id love to see the look on your face when I told you to f*ck right off. You better pull out a gun if you want to intimidate people, roughneck. Not every man is going to fold because your face gets red and because youve got some size on you.

...and over music, lol.

So, just curious...how would this scenario play out...

Excuse me sir but can you lower the volume of your music a tad? It's a bit loud in the park.

Again, keep in mind I've approached you calmly, courteously and with respect. Would you tell me to **** right off? Because then...we have an issue. That's when you're asked to press hard...there are 3 copies of the citation.
And just to add, I don't really want this long dissertation or bully tactics...I'm really just curious how your mind works in this scenario if approached in a manner that doesn't reflect anger or aggression in any shape.
What might be true in a lot of cases is that it may not be so much the volume the music is played at but the genre of music that is being played. Some music just sucks at any volume to some, but which music sucks is a topic for another out-of-control thread.
While I encounter lots of people playing music at a reasonable volume, I hear music from a large distance maybe once every 50 times on a course at most. Is this actually more prevalent other places?
I guess the douchebag comment was taken literal, for that I apologize and was trying to really just be the sarcastic asshat in an already stupid thread. But as far as my stance on I don't give a damn how loud your music is, UNLESS THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT, I base my statement off Texas Penal Code 42.01, Disorderly Conduct. Having written tickets for this in the past, here's how it goes...

Officer shows up, ma'am/sir did you find that offensive? If yes, ticket, if no, "thanks have a good day". Is it really that hard to just be respectful to those around you? Seems like some here have that inability to be a little more courteous when it comes to stuff like vulgar language and such. Again, decibel level's are of no concern to me, it's the quality of the music I question and have issues with, if within the earshot of the wrong people.

What if you were playing one direction and I called the cops? Do you get a ticket if I say I'm offended? Because that sounds pretty crazy.
What if you were playing one direction and I called the cops? Do you get a ticket if I say I'm offended? Because that sounds pretty crazy.
Officer discretion. Lol.
No, again it's not genre of music. It has to be vulgar and cussing etc.
AmsterdamHeavy is thr perfect microcosm of society. He wants to do whatever he pleases, consequences be damned. If you disagree, "you better have a gun." Then he cries that HE is the one being threatened.

As to a previous question: yes, in this area is is very prevalent. The new trend among casuals is to use those backpacks with the built-in speakers to hold their discs while playing wildly inappropriate music.

I have yet to have anyone deny my request to turn their music down. Despite what AmsterdamHeavy thinks, people aren't huge douch canoes. Does it have to do with the fact that yes, I am a big guy with a deep voice and lots of tattoos? Probably a little. But mostly it is because PEOPLE AREN'T NATURAL *******S.

Only one guy is posturing here thinking he's too tough for manners and courtesey, and it sure isn't me.
Having just taken the time to catch up on this thread, and feeling dumber for having bothered, I'll say this:

Jack Piston is right; AmsterdamToughGuy is a self-entitled douche.
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