New Course In NW GA


Stego Connoisseur
Gold level trusted reviewer
Feb 2, 2014
Hey guys, I've kind of kept this quiet until I got the approvals from all of the right people, but I have begun designing/constructing my first permanent course.

The associate pastor for the church I go to split off a couple of years ago and his church bought this 40 acre property near Dallas, GA. 12-15 of it will go towards the church/parking/sports field for the youth but that left 25 heavily wooded and hilly acres in the back of the property that myself and a friend of mine were tapped to create a disc golf course on.

For my of you I know what your thinking, "church course, it's going to be easy/cater to beginners/ boring and short" this one will be a little different.

It's an interesting property with a large valley making a V shape around a central ridge, with tons of old white oak trees, a creek running through the low lying portion.

I've designed 12 holes so far and we will likely start installation with in between 9-12 depending on how the financials shake out.

Most holes are in between 200-300ft shooting through the woods and there is a ton of elevation change. 7 flights up and roughly 9 downhill over the 12 holes so far.

So for a not enormous property it's got some diversity and though I don't have delusions that it will be Maple Hill or anything, my hope is that I can create an excellent white level course that will offer some challenges to advanced players, while still being not too intimidating for the Rec crowd.

If you have ever played Etowah nearby, the land is reminiscent of holes 5-11 there with the exception that it drains better.

I don't know if anyone will engage with this post, but as things happen I'll keep it updated. We will begin cutting this month and are aiming for a spring launch. Financially it's a bit ambitions but I think doable.

Prodigy has offered us very competitive deals on baskets and we stand to save a lot since we can pick up locally. Deciding between t2/t3s, would prefer the 2s but they are about $100 more each. Unless someone has a bunch of nice baskets laying around that they would sell for less than $250 lol.

We are still in that very fun early stage where I've done 90% of the work myself and I have kept the circle pretty tight, but as fundraising starts and volunteers start getting involved I know it will get a bit crazy.

Hopefully I'll get to complete this one within my vision and you guys can come play one day.
I'm far from local, but... I've been known to hit a course or two along the I-75 corridor.

If you have ever played Etowah nearby, the land is reminiscent of holes 5-11 there with the exception that it drains better.

I really enjoyed the hilly shot shaping at Etowah. If what you're doing ends up something like that, I I suspect it will be a lot of fun. :)
I'm far from local, but... I've been known to hit a course or two along the I-75 corridor.

I really enjoyed the hilly shot shaping at Etowah. If what you're doing ends up something like that, I I suspect it will be a lot of fun. :)

That is the hope! I'll let everyone know when it's ready so you guys can check it out when you are headed through this way.
So this is my layout so far;

1- 225 slight uphill fades right at the end.
2-260 very uphill mainly straight slight left at the end.
3-360 flat to start, slight downhill for the last 100ft somewhat straight
4- 230 sharp downhill, fades left with OB long
5-185 massively downhill(50+ft) OB creek in front of the green
6-270 throws over a bog with an OB creek running along the whole left side.
7- 225 mild uphill tunnel shot
8- 265 mild downhill left fading shot
9- 240 sharp uphill slightly left overall
10- 280 left ending tunnel
11- 230 well uphill green surrounded by boulders
12- 305 slightly uphill with an OB creek running along the left side

Have 8 ideas for the remaining 6 but not sure what land I can use for part of it yet.
For my of you I know what your thinking, "church course, it's going to be easy/cater to beginners/ boring and short" this one will be a little different.

There's a church in my area that has an intermediate/advanced level course. Unfortunately it was badly designed, so far short of its potential, but it's still a challenging course.

But I hold my tongue, because it's great of the church to serve the community by making it available. And it's still fun to play.

So I think is a great project you've embarked upon there, and hope it all goes well.
weve had some solid church courses pop up in mn

its possible and im excited to hear about how it goes
Sometimes church courses can have cross purposes. On one hand, they want to serve their flock which will mostly be beginners and kids. On the other hand, I've heard church leaders say they want their course to attract players with addictive personalities who perhaps will seek some churchly guidance.
Sometimes church courses can have cross purposes. On one hand, they want to serve their flock which will mostly be beginners and kids. On the other hand, I've heard church leaders say they want their course to attract players with addictive personalities who perhaps will seek some churchly guidance.

ask family of christ in ham lake how that latter one went
Good on you for designing this course, and I wish you the best of luck with it. Please keep us updated on when the course is likely to be playable. :)

Oh, and kudos for more downhills than uphills. :D

6-270 throws over a bog with an OB creek running along the whole left side.

How long and how obstructed is the carry over the bog, and how likely is someone to lose their disc if they don't make the carry? This will go a long way to determining how beginner-friendly the course is.

If the bog carry is not beginner-friendly, can you make an alternate tee that is?

Best wishes!
Good on you for designing this course, and I wish you the best of luck with it. Please keep us updated on when the course is likely to be playable. :)

Oh, and kudos for more downhills than uphills. :D

How long and how obstructed is the carry over the bog, and how likely is someone to lose their disc if they don't make the carry? This will go a long way to determining how beginner-friendly the course is.

If the bog carry is not beginner-friendly, can you make an alternate tee that is?

Best wishes!

Thanks! I'm trying to make it fun for as many folks as possible.

It's not that long, you start from an elevated tee area and it's about 80ft. It's also the kindest "bog" you have ever seen. It doesn't hold much water but I don't know a term for "slightly low and muddy area".

No one is losing as disc unless we have just had 8+ inches of rain.
Sometimes church courses can have cross purposes. On one hand, they want to serve their flock which will mostly be beginners and kids. On the other hand, I've heard church leaders say they want their course to attract players with addictive personalities who perhaps will seek some churchly guidance.

Hopefully it's positive for all, this in an interesting case as it will be a disc golf course for at least a full year before the church is on this property. Hopefully the DG community embraces it as well as the churchgoers. The no drinking/smoking on the property may scare off a few and draw others.
I went over the land with the owner/pastor today and will have to make a few tweaks due to the building of an access road. I'll lose my massive downhill #5, but he did free up space for a similar hole in a different location.

Looks like we will be starting with in between 9-11 holes rather than the 12 I had hoped for, but there is still room for 18.

The goal is to have the initial holes cut by the end of January for our initial fundraiser event.
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My guys clearing holes by yourself in the rather wet weather we have been having isn't the most fun.

I don't know how many of you have done this but a lot of the folks who have said they would help aren't so big on showing up lol.

I'm getting very good at chainsaw maintenance though.

Better part of two holes cut so far.
Finally got some serious work done today. Holes 1 and 7 are basically done and we got a start on 4 and 6.

Our goal is 2/25 to finish I'm hooting we can make it.
Got hole 6 cut today, so 1, 6&7 are in good shape and I have started on 2 and 4. Was doing good until my chainsaw blade broke and I forgot to bring a spare.
Had some amazing help and got holes 3/4 done and 5 very close. Just need to finish 8 and do 9 then it's finishing touches for our event on the 25/26th!
The initial 9 holes are officially cut as of today. Now we are just getting rid of some vines/briars and flattening the pads.

With two weeks until the tournament, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Sign up numbers are relatively small, but I'm hoping it will grow.
The initial 9 holes are officially cut as of today. Now we are just getting rid of some vines/briars and flattening the pads.

With two weeks until the tournament, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Sign up numbers are relatively small, but I'm hoping it will grow.

Is there a MTG hole?

I'm not sure about the abbreviation, Magic the Gathering?