I've been putting with the same d line P2s since early 2016. I wanted to pick up an eventual replacement for them and I like the newer tacky plastic that's come out in the last few years. Was planning on getting a pair of Nexus Firefly since they're P2 with tacky firm plastic.
But of course none of the local shops have them or the new P2 models in stock ( I for the most part don't buy online, I need to feel a disc up especially a putter) . Anyhow local shop pro recommended the Omega4 in ET plastic. Spent a good 2 hours beating them into the chains from short distance yesterday (it was like 20 degrees out, in the snow and windy). Definitely like them a LOT. I can see them replacing my p2 once I get a few thousand putts in on them.
They feel almost identical to a P2, perhaps a miniscule amount shallower (or perhaps just flatter across the top, hard to say), the tacky grippy plastic is an improvement for sure. I noticed that despite the cold they didn't seem to take much damage from the few hundred putts or so I gave them. Similar to my X line P1x that's been beaten to hell yet doesn't really scuff up.