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How to be a confident putter

Perfect practice makes perfect!

I like the discraft putting confidence clinic video(s?) hosted by Mark Ellis. Check them out on YouTube. Rather than teach you what to do with your hands, body, eyes, etc., they focus on making practice EFFECTIVE.

From an educator's standpoint, this is right on the money. Effective practice can be seen as (1) massed practice, in order to learn new content, skills, procedures. (2) distributed practice, to hone and maintain skills, knowledge, etc. Since you know HOW to putt, distributed practice is where to begin.

I'm relying on my memory, but the elements of effective practice outlined in the videos include:

2 sessions of 15 minutes daily. No more time should be committed, you face diminishing returns if you over practice, and that will be frustrating. Be like Little Richard, always quit while your audience (that's you, in this case) wants more.

Putting from your range, so that you are sinking your putts regularly. Train your brain to become confident in what your body is up to.

Stick with one mold, use two discs. (This is the hardest one for me, I like picking up the new hotness as soon as it becomes available).

Reward yourself for following good practice protocol. Small, measurable rewards
Will help you practice regularly. Obviously, a banana split each time would be yummy but stupid.

If anyone remembers other elements, please add them. I practice not as much as I could, but when I do, I try to follow these tips (except I am still throwing bangers, wizards, pa4s, APX's, and whatever cool disc comes my way).
i find that having a consistent routine helps me drown out any thoughts about missing the putt i am preparing to throw. I study the putt from behind my lie first and decide before i step behind my mini if i'm going to run it or not. Once i step behind my mini i pick a spot in the center of the pole and make that the only thing in the world that has my focus. I don't allow any thoughts about how to putt or the mechanics of putting. Your body knows how to putt as a result of the practice you've put in and allowing yourself to think about how to perform an action takes the fluidity out of the motion. Finally i accept the results and remind myself that even after performing all these steps perfectly i will miss some putts and that's ok.
It all starts with a consistent and deliberate practice routine. That is, your have to set attainable goals, focus on meeting those goals and focusing as much on form as results. In addition to what others have said, here are my thoughts, FWIW

When practicing before a round I like to start from one spot relatively close to the basket (within 10 ft); Ill try to sink 6-8 putts to get my confidence where it need to be. Then, move back 5 feet and repeat. Then another 5 five feet and repeat. Then, Ill move back another five feet and repeat one last time. After Im comfortable sinking shots from around 20 ft out, Ill move back in to about 10-15 ft from the basket and drop up my putters ( I have 3) in a line pointing straight to the basket, with each one spaced about 8-10 ft apart behind the previous one. This allows me to increase my putting distance a little at a time without changing the basic shot too much. I also try to shoot from one side of the basket at a time, so changes in the wind don't play too large a role in my shot. If at any point during my practice I start missing badly or too consistently, I stop and take a break. Reinforcing bad habits can be worse than no practice at all.

Also, if you have your own basket at home like I do, try removing the outer ring of chains. Getting used to hitting a small target at home makes hitting the chains on the course even easier

When it comes to actually going for your putts. Take your time to consider the shot before you even step up to your lie. Decide exactly what you want to do and execute it. I try to pick out a single link of chain near the center of the group and aim for that when I putt. It makes the whole target look that much bigger.
Good tips. As others have done so above, I also endorse Bob Rotella's books, especially "Golf is a Game of Confidence" and "The Golfer's Mind."

Confidence comes not from experience, but from how you choose to think.
I used to have some trouble (still do) with this. I realized that while I was "confident", I was still screwing up one large aspect. I would focus on a putt and not realize my putting motion slowed down. That slowing down of the putt would make me fall short quite often. So now I just make sure that every putt is a relatively quick motion. I still focus on all my putts, but remind my arm from time to time to keep it quick.

Of course, if I just practiced more often this would be less of an issue as muscle memory would take over.

This. If I concentrate on "exploding" at the start of the motion going towards the basket, it always comes out solid. Most of the time, my putting motion is like my drive where I start slow, then snap at the very end. This leaves me short most of the time when it's a long putt. I'll compensate by flicking my wrist too much and miss to the right.

Other times, I'm so timid and get nervous, my putting motion reflects it, slow and timid.

Like everyone else says, practice and confidence are the key IMO. Both of which I lack and need to work on.

(Post 100! woohoo! thought I'd never get here! :D)
Clear the mechanism.

Find your focus. Once I started concentrating on that single link in the chains (and ONLY that link), I started making 50% more putts.
Clear the mechanism.

Find your focus. Once I started concentrating on that single link in the chains (and ONLY that link), I started making 50% more putts.

Good movie reference. Good movie.

Also, I agree. I actually aim for the pole, but that focus and a deep breath prior to the putt makes all the difference for me.
Alright, I've been reading and I feel like I can remember making more putts when I actually take time to focus on the pole (seeing as how that's how I aim and line up in practice it all makes sense). So thank you for bringing up focusing on a single link. I know it's some kind of mental block that I'm having because I feel completely different during a round. I just don't feel as connected and the "feel" isn't there. I start thinking about the putt and I just psyche myself out sometimes I guess.

Hopefully it's just a natural thing that I'll be able to work out in time.
Good movie reference. Good movie.

Also, I agree. I actually aim for the pole, but that focus and a deep breath prior to the putt makes all the difference for me.

Underrated movie, IMO. It may just be my love affair (she doesn't know) with Kelly Preston, though.

On a normal putt (staggered stance), I aim right of the pole. Straddle stance, dead center. Don't know why, but it works.
What helped me was I stopped (for the most part) practicing putts that I'm not making at least ~80% of. Now when I putt on the course, I expect the disc to go in, since that's what I see all the time when I practice. I think that goes to show that, at least for me, putting is largely about confidence.
Yep. Gotta see them go in to build confidence.
Why are you being timid? You're a good putter. Run that sh!t! Even if you miss you're gonna make the comeback putt. Chin up, putt through the chains, follow through strong. Good luck!
Now that you've seen them go in, this should be your mindset.
stick to one mold and one plastic
I'll go farther, stick with one putter, period. Learn how to make that putter fly every which way you can, become one with that putter. This is why I switched to a Vibram Summit, the rubber is durable enough to change the least.
It seems you have successfully built muscle memory, now you need to teach your brain to trust your muscle memory. all you have to do is turn your brain off. Your body knows how to put(t) the disc in the basket, you do not need to think about it. Clear your mind, visualize the putt hitting dead center, breath, stay relaxed, trust your routine, and trust your body.

If you miss one, do not question your mechanics, do not start "aiming". If you have been a little low on the bin maybe pick a higher target link and trust your muscle memory.

You have to believe every putt is going in. I know when I am in the zone I am legitimately shocked when a putt hits the bin.
I want to expand on this b/c I think this is what trips up a lot of otherwise would be good putters. I've noticed an interesting parallel between this and free throw shooting in basketball. There are lots of guys that struggle to shoot a high percentage even though they have good mechanics. Basically, their minds are in the wrong place. They have their routine, they bend their knees, hand placement is good, and follow through with that "goose-neck" hand in the air meant to give soft backspin to the ball. And then it clanks against the rim badly.

They focus so much on the checklist of their mechanics (got to have that goose neck!) that they forget the most important part, trying to make the free throw. Instead, they try to not miss the free throw which doesn't sound like much but it's a monumental difference.

When you pick up a rock to throw at something or some trash to toss into the garbage can, do you stand there and analyze height and distance and wind trajectory and all that? No, you just throw it at the target and if you miss, adjust. Your brain makes all those adjustments (height, distance, etc.) subconsciously for you; this skill has been honed ever since humans threw things (stones, throwing sticks, spears, atlatl darts, etc) at prey to get some protein. So when you overthink your putt, you're effectively muddling up your primal targeting instinct that has been honed by evolution for millions of years.

The "focus on a link" trick works b/c you subconsciously aim where you're looking. In basketball, shooters that tend to hit the front of the rim when they miss are usually looking at the front of the rim whether they know it or not. Guys that miss long? Staring at the back of the rim. The trick is to look inside the rim which is kind of abstract since the inside is usually blocked from view thanks to the front of the rim. Fortunately disc golf is a little easier in that regard, just focus on that link to the right of the pole.

Short version:
  1. Become familiar with your putter.
  2. Build up confidence with reps and putter familiarity
  3. When it comes time to putt, like Bruce Lee said "Don't think! Feel. Like a finger, pointing the way to the moon (basket)"
  4. If you miss, make simple adjustments and remember to look where you want the disc to impact the chains.
Recently I set out to become a better putter and have been putting in a lot of time and practice every day in an attempt to improve my skill and get a better 'feel' for what is comfortable for me. I feel like I am a very good putter but when I am playing rounds I am a timid putter and struggle with confidence on the green. The most frustrating part are the putts that I make over 80% of the time in practice coming up short during a round.

Any tips would be appreciated on dealing with anxiety while putting and also tips on how to be an overall more confident putter.

Without reading any other replies.

I have this same problem, what helps me is I picture me attempting the putt from where I practice. For example, I first practiced in an apartment. It had a 35' hallway from my living room to the bedroom. So I putt straight most times. When I am playing and have a putt that is open but has trees on either side of the opening I think back to putting in my hallway and it helps.
Alright, I just want to come back in and say what advice has really been helping me:

-Focusing on the pole (or a single chain link)

-trusting my body to know how to hit the putt (don't think about anything, just line up the same way you do in practice and bang it)

-Pre-putt routine, I keep it the exact same every single putt

-keeping the disc in line the whole way through the swing, and really focusing on good wrist extension and release. (Feeling the "pop")

thank you to everyone who had any words of advice. Now my problem is not hitting the putts but throwing off the tee. Been spraying it all over the place the last couple of rounds. Early release, grip lock, too low, you name it, its been everywhere but where i want it
There is really only one way to be a confident putter. You must make putts.

Who are the most confident putters? Those who make the most putts.

No technique or head game or psychobabble can make you confident if you putt poorly. We can only lie to ourselves so much before the truth takes over.

Since most of us are not naturally gifted in this most difficult task of putting the way we develop confidence is through practice. With practice our competency improves and our confidence follows it.

You may seek for the secret holy grail of putting all you wish. It ain't there. You won't find it except through making yourself a good putter.
Pressure - It's what's for dinner.

The only putting practice that helps me is putting practice that recreates the pressure of putting in an actual game. What I do is take two putters and take 5 steps from my basket. If I make both, I move out to 6 steps. If I miss one, I move forward to 4. If I miss both, I move forward to 3. Rinse and repeat. See if you can't make it out to 10 steps without missing - Then try 15.
I too struggle with putting and am also a practice putting all american. Sometimes my releases are bad, sometimes I put too much spin. I Drive for show and putt for MO!
The one thing that I haven't seen mentioned much here that really seemed to help me is to practice putts that you make frequently. It is amazing that when I know I will hit 90% of my 15-20 footers how many more of those 30-40 footers go in. I'm just not worried about 3-putting anymore so I stay looser during the putting motion. I also focus on one link and use the same breathing pattern each time.
One thing that helped me was only using one or two putters when I practice. This made me focus and not just reach for the next putter when I missed. Another thing that helped me was progressive putting. I get about 15 feet away and then move back about three feet after I make it. You want to move around in practice, standing at 30 feet throwing over and over isn't going to help you because that's not what happens in a round. Putt from 30 then 15 then 25. This really helped change my putting game. And last but most important is the mental game. If you are a good putter then go to the coarse with that mindset. Don't second guess yourself. Step up and knock it down.
The most frustrating part are the putts that I make over 80% of the time in practice coming up short during a round.

Putt harder. When you aren't feeling confident in your putting, you are most likely going to be putting weak. Keep that in mind when lining up for that 25' putt. That's helped my game a lot!