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most embarrassing moment in disc golf?


Birdie Member
Aug 9, 2009
I know there has to be some good ones, although all you pros may not want to admit it. Mine came yestarday.

I was playing solo and came up to a big group of regular players at the course i play at. They saw me coming up and let me tee off and play ahead. Well I just started learning rollers (back hand) and this hole happened to be the main hole on the course to try one. For some idiot reason i was brimming with confidence from the last couple holes and decided to try a roller. Well I released the disc like your supposed to except i didnt have enough angle on it and it basically dug into the ground 10feet in front of me,,skidded a little,, and stopped. No joke,,the hole was like 280 and i just drove in 20ft. One of the guys actaully said, "hey,,,its in the middle." I seriously felt sick to my stomach it was so embarrassing.

anyway,,,maybe if i hear a worse story ill feel better about it.
Well, I have ripped ass during my drive, right there on the tee block in front of everyone, lol.
The only thing I have to be embarrassed about is my bright yellow Fade bag. Which I'm not, Wild Banana for life!
It's getting dirty now but some chick who had no idea what disc golf was told me she liked my bag the other day, oh yeah. :cool:

that IS what she said! I have my fade psycho bag (orange and purple), bright fade tourney bags fo lyfe!
Aside from the occasional "early obstacle strike from the tee resulting in terribly short drive", I've never had a good "dig a hole for yourself" moment.

I did play a round with a friend who's girlfriend (who doesn't play and had never come with us before) tagged along. She knew I was halfway decent but I was having a rough day in bad weather on a tough course and was getting beat pretty bad. I was the only one to not par hole 9 and after everyone said their respective scores she turned to me and said "Do you EVER get par?"

Didn't exactly bolster the confidence for the back nine.
In a tourny I missed my drop in putt. It was really windy and I took an Aero out of my bag to drop it in, then all of the sudden WHOOOOSSSSHHH out of my hand and to the ground.
it was my first time playing peir park and a guy offered to show me the course. i wasn't quite use to concrete tee pads. went to tee off on the second hole and there's a bit of a drop off at the end of the pad. went to tee and steped a lil to far off the pad and ate dirt and rolled my ancle pretty bad. limped for the next 2 holes. still enjoyed the course
I've been dragging my father out to play with me and he's getting into it (he's getting a lot better too! If he gets his distance down he'll be a pretty sick technical player) so we've been talking weight lifting, body building, computers or disc golf ALL THE TIME and my mom sees all my discs and bags and my basket and stuff and she's all "aww I wish I could play" (no, she can't. She's got messed up shoulders REALLY BAD, couldn't even carry a starter bag let alone drive) I'm like well you could come with us some time and watch us, it'll be nice.

So we take her to Naples (9 holes, tiny town in the woods, really pretty) and it's...34 degrees outside. But we're playing and I'm not used to the cold or something and I CANNOT FIND MY GAME, not on the first lap anyway. I end my front 9 at +9 after making par like 2-3 times. Just bad news, bag lays, bad luck in general. I blame my mother for cursing me, because my dad is having his best game EVER.

So we do lap 2, mom's loving being out there with the guys btw and is so happy we're doing something as a family, all together. I've finally shaken whatever was bothering me and I have the best drive i've ever had on hole 1. I take the shot on basket and it's just a bit long, I make the 15' putt.

Hole 2 is coming up and I am READY for it. This is the 2nd hole I'd ever birdied and it wasn't lucky (like my first birdie) and on the first lap I just crapped out on this hole....So I throw my drive and it looks PERFECT....then it zigs to the right hits a tree and bounces back at me a good 8 feet for a total drive of about 25 feet. I pick up the disc, line up my shot and realize that I can still make par pretty easy with a good anny. I toss the disc...hit the tree 5 feet to the LEFT of the first one I hit. It bounces less this time. I realize I have the same basic shot only a bit easier to make. I take the shot.

While my shot is like this: / the wind pushes it to the left and up a bit. Still a good shot...then it gets stuck about 30 feet up in a tree. I throw short logs at it until it falls, take my penalty and putt it in.

I decide to replay the hole for personal pride and NOT for the scorecard. My drive almost aces it and I have like a 6' putt. Birdie. Not On The Card.

I know that story doesn't END on an embarrassing note but the moral of the story is I wanted to show off for my mom...and I sucked to high heavens. I did great after that birdie. Mostly. Bogey sandwich style really.

Also at Naples I was jogging to my disc when I caught my toe on a branch that had been squished into the dirt, as I pulled my foot up and away the stick came with me, continuing to trip me and I landed on my chest with my right arm (throwing arm) under it. Still hurts a bit and I looked like an ARSE while doing it.

Whenever someone lets us play through and they are sitting right there, I seem to always shank it. Im used to it though, so cant say I am really embarassed.
My brother helped design a local course and when it came time to open up the course they held a random doubles mini. I hadn't played for about two years but my brother convinced me to take part in it. I show up with my three discs to people with as I told my brother "huge bags." I was pretty intimidated and it didn't help when I saw people sinking "long" putts and drives while warming up. (they were probably no more than 20 ft putts and 300 ft drives.) When we started, my first shot went approximately 75-100 ft and they never got any farther the rest of the day. On the second round of play they changed up doubles, and out of all 18 holes we took a total of 2 my shots. I was really embarrassed by days end but everyone was cool about it and my partner even showed me some proper technique of driving and putting. I was pretty pumped. Obviously I was embarrassed, but I have kept playing disc golf hardcore since then.

Oh and by the way I can now make those "long" putts and drives. ;)
Getting caught by a group of female players while taking a whizz.
The tee-pad is nestled back in a group of trees, w/ thick vegetation all around, so I thought I was good to go.
All of a sudden, I hear voices, turn around and there they are! I finished my business, grabbed a disc outta my bag and let fly.
They never said anything, but it was obvious...:rolleyes:
Getting caught by a group of female players while taking a whizz.
The tee-pad is nestled back in a group of trees, w/ thick vegetation all around, so I thought I was good to go.
All of a sudden, I hear voices, turn around and there they are! I finished my business, grabbed a disc outta my bag and let fly.
They never said anything, but it was obvious...:rolleyes:

they would have done the same thing if they could have! im sure! lol...dunno if I would have left my bag though..I woulda taken it with me and put it on my back then walked outta the woods lol
Earlier this summer we went out to a new course and I lit the first round up. I got an ace and I whooped up on my friends. It was great. So beginning the second round I suggest my bet discs. This is something we do pretty often, so it wasn't like I was trying to steal some plastic just because I was feeling it. First tee, I plant my disc in a tree maybe 5' of the pad and it literally bounces back ONTO the tee pad. a -1' drive. I'm a little steamed, but I pick it up and attempt to redrive. SAME THING HAPPENS! So now I'm just seething and proceed to triple bogey the first 2 holes and double bogey the third until I sit down, self medicate and get my game back on track. I still ended up finishing 2 or 3 shots behind the leader and losing a disc, but I got 2nd.

Another one happened just this past Sunday at my local bag tags. I'm doing decent heading into the 6th hole and I pull out a brand new Star TeeBird that I had just dyed with a wicked Zig Zag logo. It was my first 2 color dye and I was really starting to like the disc. As I step up to the tee pad one of the guys in my group asks if that is the dye that had bleed alot. It turns out he had been on this site and had seen me post some pictures of it. I was pretty excited to talk about it and I wasn't really paying attention and I whipped this thing into the deep shule. I still wasn't paying too much attention as to where it went as I though I would find it no problem, I was too pumped to talk about to the guy about dyeing. Well, long story short, I forgot about the huge dip that falls off past the fairway the disc was LONG gone. so much for that awesome dye job. :mad:
I played Idlewild for the first time last weekend. It was hole 7 or 8... the one that's a par 5. Anyway it took me 10 strokes to get it in. +5 on one hole is pretty embarrassing, I haven't played a hole that badly since I first started DG.

Otherwise a great course though. It just sucked that one hole can take you out of the game.
I played Idlewild for the first time last weekend. It was hole 7 or 8... the one that's a par 5. Anyway it took me 10 strokes to get it in. +5 on one hole is pretty embarrassing, I haven't played a hole that badly since I first started DG.

Otherwise a great course though. It just sucked that one hole can take you out of the game.

These things that happen at Idlewild, don't feel bad about it.

I took a 8 on hole 14 from the long pad and a triple circle 9 on hole 16 to the long pin position. That happened in the same round in a tournament there this spring and I still cashed in advanced.
I was playing a course in Southern Oregon (Indian Marys, I believe) a couple of years back with my son and two of his buddies. They're were all 15 year smart asses always looking for the opportunity to rip the old man (me). We come to this one hole which is wide open about 165 feet. Nothing in the way but one no-parking sign about 15 feet ahead. So I announce that this is a possible ACE hole. Naturally I launch my drive off the sign. For the rest of that trip and for years after, when I step up to the tee, one of them will have to say, 'Possible Ace."
I was playing a course in Southern Oregon (Indian Marys, I believe) a couple of years back with my son and two of his buddies. They're were all 15 year smart asses always looking for the opportunity to rip the old man (me). We come to this one hole which is wide open about 165 feet. Nothing in the way but one no-parking sign about 15 feet ahead. So I announce that this is a possible ACE hole. Naturally I launch my drive off the sign. For the rest of that trip and for years after, when I step up to the tee, one of them will have to say, 'Possible Ace."

The sign DID say "No Parking" so Im guessing you werent going to ace it anyway, but were about to park it.
the other day, teeing off on hole 1, the teepad was muddy, i did my run, and as i spun 2 throw i fell in it, i felt so stupid