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Site Feature Request Thread


Eagle Member
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Jun 13, 2020
This is SEPARATE from the Issues Report Thread !! Please don't report issues here!

This thread is for us to suggest features that were not a part of the old site, but which we would love to see added to the new site. I'm posting it in this section so that it gets the same visibility as Issues Report Thread.

If this is a bad idea please mod me as needed :LOL: But it seems to me that feature requests are getting muddled up with issues in the Issues Report Thread.

To me,
- A feature request is something that was NOT present on the old site, but that you would like to see Greens/Dev/their team add eventually. For example, the number of unique voters showing on your profile.
- An issue is something that was present on the old site, but is missing or not working now. For example, trying to edit hole info and it doesn't seem to be working.
I think that the hole info section could use a larger scale revamp. Some of the features that I would love to see are:
- Ability to have course layouts with different numbers of holes.
- Ability to select pin positions without editing them hole by hole.
when adding a new course i love the point on the map then auto populates to the according address

i do wish it also was capable of working in reverse

so for example like when i steal a course on udisc that isnt uploaded to here i can easily copy and paste the longitude and latitude that google maps pops up from directions
I think that the hole info section could use a larger scale revamp. Some of the features that I would love to see are:
- Ability to have course layouts with different numbers of holes.
- Ability to select pin positions without editing them hole by hole.
I agree on the layouts/pin positions - there are courses with multiple tees and multiple pins and it would be nice to be able to select these, which has never really been fully configurable on DGCR.

The flipside is we have to ensure we don't descend into the anarchy of UDisc with 12 layouts per course. I want the real layouts, not the "Tuesday Night Beer League Prime Number Holes."
The process for adding photos is much improved, but there used to be a feature where you could date all of the photos you're entering with a single click. It seems that you now have to select the month/year for each photo. A bit of a pain (and an easy thing to forget) if you're uploading a bunch of photos!

Sorry - I guess this is defined as an "Issue" not a "Feature." I'll put it in the Issues thread. Please disregard. Nothing to see here...
Sort of a feature request, sort of a missing item from the old site.

Is there a way to see a list of all users? Not top baggers, or highest reaction scores or whatever. Just a list of members. Filterable by location (country, state) and sortable by courses played?

I used to look at how many courses I've bagged as compared to other Ohio residents, and cannot find it here.

I'm aware of the top baggers list, but that filters to all people who have played courses in the state, not residents of that state.

-edit- I guess a bump of dreadlock's post above ;)
Sort of a feature request, sort of a missing item from the old site.

Is there a way to see a list of all users? Not top baggers, or highest reaction scores or whatever. Just a list of members. Filterable by location (country, state) and sortable by courses played?

I used to look at how many courses I've bagged as compared to other Ohio residents, and cannot find it here.

I'm aware of the top baggers list, but that filters to all people who have played courses in the state, not residents of that state.

-edit- I guess a bump of dreadlock's post above ;)
And by number of reviews/upvotes/etc? No more crazy spreadsheet work!
Biggest thing I would like to see from this web site.

Mapping similar to what that other app does.

As an avid course collector, I sit at my computer and plan my "Disc Golf Days" mostly from this web site. I use DGCR to keep track of what courses I have played too (although right before the changes, I did create an Excel spreadsheet as backup)

However, when I am out on the road, I use the other app's scoring because of the mapping function. I have a feeling most of us do this for the same reason, specially when you are playing new courses.

I will say this, I have downloaded or printed out maps many times from here if I notice there is not a map on the other app. I call it old school because I use to do that before every trip. I would bring with me a folder with the maps of every course I was going to play. If no map, I would just write the coordinates of the course so I could put it into my old Garmin (predates Google maps on my phone)

I still find myself pulling up the DGCR app sometimes when on the road.

Just wanted to point out I would prefer to use DGCR over the other app even though it's pretty cool to run into players, then pull up the "Leaderboard" on the other app and show I am #7.

Ironically, I can then tell them I know who 8 of the top 10 on that list are as I am facebook friends with them.
Not sure if this should be posted here or the Issues thread but:

Under the Discs tab in our profiles, I really don't see a point in having the Owner and Location tabs. They seem redundant and it annoys me visually to see my name and location over and over and over again.

I'm not sure the point of the Activities and Postings tabs. It's a bit voyeuristic, I'm not sure that I care so much about MikeK or Swatso's activity that I want to see EVERYTHING they've been doing on the site.

Finally, I feel like there's some overlap or lack thereof in a few of the tabs like profile/courses/reviews where say on one I can see info like # of states played and on others I can't. I feel like that sort of info could be shown on all three tabs - maybe they all have the same header w/ the same information at the top beneath your avatar/picture and then beneath that you get the course list/map or the list of reviews.

If that sounds either confusing or intriguing I'd be glad to mock up something that might illustrate what I'm getting at.
PLEASE! Set the browse courses and browse map filters to clear when the browser session ends.

It's confusing and frustrating to look for something you know should be there, but isn't, because the filter settings from a previous search are still in effect.
I use UDisc to keep track of about half my rounds when playing, then I manually enter the data into DGCR. There are a couple of things that would make the process easier for me:
  1. Could the list of holes be flipped, so that the highest number of holes played is first? I don't know how often people only play a handful of holes versus all of them, but I'm always scrolling to the bottom.
  2. If there's just 1 set of tees available, could that solo tee set by selected automatically?
Thought of something today.

On the old site, if a course was extinct and a new course replaced it (as in major redesign) there TimG usually put a link to the new page.

I would like to be able to post the OG courses, even if it is multiple, to show the history of the course.

I mean we can put "Redesigned 2023" in the description, but it would be cool to link to the original and even mid redesigns that are on some courses.

Well, as I was typing this, I thought maybe I could just link the old designs pages in the "Links" section.

Either way, I would like to see the OG date for a course, then if the page is for the redesign, it should say "redesigned 20XX" next or at least near it.

Just a thought.

My #1 request is still a mapping function like the other popular app out there.
On the old site when you were on a course home page and clicked on "only trusted reviewers" it would should you the average score of what trusted reviewers gave the course. I would like this back, I find it informative and interesting.
Thought of something today.

On the old site, if a course was extinct and a new course replaced it (as in major redesign) there TimG usually put a link to the new page.

I would like to be able to post the OG courses, even if it is multiple, to show the history of the course.

I mean we can put "Redesigned 2023" in the description, but it would be cool to link to the original and even mid redesigns that are on some courses.

Well, as I was typing this, I thought maybe I could just link the old designs pages in the "Links" section.

Either way, I would like to see the OG date for a course, then if the page is for the redesign, it should say "redesigned 20XX" next or at least near it.

Just a thought.

My #1 request is still a mapping function like the other popular app out there.
What is the mapping function you're speaking of, just so I'm clear.
What is the mapping function you're speaking of, just so I'm clear.
Straight up, the UDisc course maps. I guarantee every one of use here uses it when we are out course collecting.

I admit, if there is not a course map listed on this site, I will take a screen shot from UDisc and post that as a course map real quick.

I really want to see this site keep getting better and better. Now with the new site and I am use to it, I see improvements. I find myself using it more and more, I am actually active now in the forums.