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Veterans Rude To Noobs

While my post is partly in jest, I have no problem with people who only have one disc. A lot of times I'll talk to those guys, see what they're throwing and maybe give them an extra putter or mid if I have one. It's the loud, unaware yahoos that I'd discourage if possible.

Fair enough. Sometimes jesting doesn't translate well in writing (hence my many nights on the couch due to a misunderstood text!:D)
I guess a good start would be to seperate the cats from the dogs.

Newb- Someone that is new to something but is working hard to learn the rules, play by them, and is open to suggestions and puts them to use.

Noob- (Insult) Someone that is new to something, but thinks they know everthing and aren't willing to do anything without it being their own idea.

You are correct. I did use the wrong spelling. I do mean the new players trying to learn and practicing. Not the guys who have no intentions to grow as a player but show up once to drink their buddies beer.
Thats awesome. Though im quite busy, please let me know if i can help.

Ya know...when i started (about ten years ago) noobs were different. Everyone excganged greetings as we passed, noobs were gratefull for advice, and there was a real lack of equipment.
Now when i pass unknowns and say hi, im rudely ignored. I put my putter from 16's short up for a putt; a noob asked me about the shot but his friend with 20 discs and 200ft of d quickly cut me off.

In my usual casual group, we have players from one season to 20 yrs expierence. I started with a empty six pack as my bag....so in essessence i dont hate noobs, but man, i do hate cass holes/cassuals. They are truley the worst breed of dg'r ive ever encountered :(
Certain ettiquette needs to be taught but not destroying trees, excessive littering, and other basic manners shouldnt have to be.

While i agree and see where youre coming from, i feel that the noobs are the ones instigating the war ;)

"C*******s" you hear that a lot in this area. Its a shame because Cass Benton is a sweet course.
You are correct. I did use the wrong spelling. I do mean the new players trying to learn and practicing. Not the guys who have no intentions to grow as a player but show up once to drink their buddies beer.

I knew that you weren't being malicious brother, that was more for the masses that seem to perpetuate that term out of context. Good on yah man, keep chuckin.
I love Golfing with new players :)
I always see guys trying who obviously just don't get it and I think how much easier it would have been for me if I had some old f*cker show me what to do all those years ago :p

Some of the guys I've played have are like this though, but not to be dick to the new guy. They just have their own pace and when they hook up with someone maybe doesn't throw as far or isn't as accurate they feel like it throws off their game.
But me I'll play with anyone regardless of skill level. I feel my mental game is strong enough to where you could shoot +60 and its not going to affect me one bit. And most of the guys I play with are like minded.

We'd rather take the time to help you out because making the new guys better golfers is better for all of us :)
I love Golfing with new players :)
I always see guys trying who obviously just don't get it and I think how much easier it would have been for me if I had some old f*cker show me what to do all those years ago :p

Some of the guys I've played have are like this though, but not to be dick to the new guy. They just have their own pace and when they hook up with someone maybe doesn't throw as far or isn't as accurate they feel like it throws off their game.
But me I'll play with anyone regardless of skill level. I feel my mental game is strong enough to where you could shoot +60 and its not going to affect me one bit. And most of the guys I play with are like minded.

We'd rather take the time to help you out because making the new guys better golfers is better for all of us :)

You old F@&$!rs rule!
Yesterday evening I was playing a quick round and without notice I threw down on a pack of noobs. I had no idea they were hanging on the green since its a blind shot and I did look to see if someone was there but missed them. As I walked down to my shot one of the guys was pretty rude with me about my shot and I told him that I had no idea he was there smoking a bowl around the green and since he was out of view I couldn't have known.

He was quick to say well we aren't going to let you play through and you need to wait because we were here first. I was fine with that externally but internally I was sincerely pissed when the group of four noobs proceeded to throw several 100' shots in assorted directions. I walked up to the tee pad after they started walking down the fairway and based a 418' hole, gaining the approval after the noobs saw the shot. As I was walking past them the questios started about how do you do that, and can you show me? So I took some time to teach for a few holes and in the end I hope that I have left a positive lasting impression for these guys about disc golf.

Made sure to also teach the course etiquette as well.

I had a very similar experience a few weeks ago on a 360' hole. I had been stuck behind a group of One Disc Wonders for about 5 holes and when four of them were looking for a disc at the same time, they waved me through, and I went and parked the 360' shot that has to go through a 20' gap 100' off the pad then hit a 15' high tunnel out around the 250' mark on its way to the mound that they were smoking on right next to the basket. My drive S'ed right around the magnetic bushes off the pad, through both tunnels and slid right up on the mound, and they persisted to ask, "Is that your first throw?!" After replying to the affirmative, they asked some questions about why I needed so many discs and what each disc was for. They even went as far as to say maybe they don't know it all about disc golf and that they make fun of us with the huge bags of discs. All in all, that left me with a pretty good feeling for the rest of the day. Hopefully my skillful shot convinced at least one of them to progress beyond the one disc wonder stage.
I like how every week we have a new "Michigan disc golfers are douchebags" thread. I'm starting to wonder about Michiganers. :\
Must be because of the lack of jobs, forclosure rates, corrupt politicians and any other unfair thing that life hands out here in the Murder Mitten. Lol
I love Golfing with new players :)
I always see guys trying who obviously just don't get it and I think how much easier it would have been for me if I had some old f*cker show me what to do all those years ago :p

Some of the guys I've played have are like this though, but not to be dick to the new guy. They just have their own pace and when they hook up with someone maybe doesn't throw as far or isn't as accurate they feel like it throws off their game.
But me I'll play with anyone regardless of skill level. I feel my mental game is strong enough to where you could shoot +60 and its not going to affect me one bit. And most of the guys I play with are like minded.

We'd rather take the time to help you out because making the new guys better golfers is better for all of us :)

I agree with the last comment.

I have learned that I like pick up games and new players more than playing with the regulars or playin' minis. I will still play those. (I love to donate)

It is so much fun to watch someone finish a game playing better than they ever have with just a few tips.
All the people that play around here are nothing but nice.
Idiots come in all shapes, sizes, and ages, sorry you have to live with them. :(
I know that not everyone falls into this stereotype but lately around the local courses in Michigan I have noticed that some of the more experienced players are not the nicest to some of the newer/amateur players on the course. I have seen plenty of people laughing at newer players, ragging on their cheaper not "pro quality" equipment and just flat out being rude. I make an effort to try to be kind to all the players (new and old) that I encounter and try to promote the sport in a positive light. Has anyone else experienced this attitude on their local course and what do you do to discourage it?

On the course?
That attitude is here on this forum.

And the best cure I know is for the noob to beat them. :cool:
I never had issues as a noob. I almost always played alone, so most groups of more experienced players would ask me to join them. If they didn't, they'd tell me to play through. I learned a lot that way, and try to pass it alone whenever possible. I might be a horrible amateur who can't break par to save his life, but at least I have extra discs in my bag and a wealth of advice on both how to do things properly (which I don't always heed) and how to have a good time (which I do). We're disc golfers, not football players. None of us are better than anyone else just because we're better than someone else. If you know what I mean.
Never had this problem when I started thankfully. If it was the vets my game wouldn't have evolved so rapidly. Big ups to the local pro's/vets around here!

I had a problem with some chuckers once, they threw on to me and another almost hit a lady. I asked them to be a little more patient because another pedestrian doesn't need to get hit. They told me to f off and mind my business. I was astonished to say the least.
Haven't really noticed anybody around Michigan ragging on "noobs"...at least to their faces.

The problem with dgolf in Michigan is that because it's so big and available, many of the courses, especially the ones without a lot of nearby courses are swarming with mondo groups of clueless 16 year olds who have no idea what etiquette is. Every week I see some group of six bums not letting a competent solo or pair play through.

I try to be patient with the bums, but it's hard not to get a little agitated when you're trying to go play 2-3 practice rounds for a tourney with a friend or two, and instead you walk off after a 3 1/2 hour workalicious round where there's kids screaming about something ridiculous on every hole.

The fact of the matter is that at some of these courses, half the people playing at any given time couldn't possibly care less about the disc golf, and are there just to drink and smoke. It's no surprise that the worst courses are usually in places where there isn't hardly anywhere else for these kids to go (Cass, Kensington, Stony Creek come to mind).

Once upon a time I was one of those kids too, but its not hard to figure out that you shouldn't be yelling on every hole, talking while people are on the teepad, or not letting faster groups play through. The worst is when you see a group of kids walk up to the long tees, and shank a bunch of 85 foot forehand drives into the ****. Some people have resepct for others, and some don't. When you see it often enough, it's hard not to get a little jaded when you see a couple kids walking up with backpacks and coors lights in tow.

So I just try to teach by brute force...I yell at people for throwing multiple drives with groups waiting, I ask to play through instead of just waiting for them to not ask, and I bite heads off when people throw on me while I'm playing a hole. If you're too dumb to figure out how it works after a couple of rounds, hopefully a little negative reinforcement will get the job done.

That's just me though.
Pros are rude to Noobs.
This is news?