Par Member
Medium soft and medium hard compass. Get the last roc out of my bag.
A muthar fockung MVP lid.
:thmbup::thmbup::thmbup:A production run Champion RANCHO (not Roc3) Roc...
This plus Eagle X in pro plastic.
I also want Champion BB Aviars to be in regular production.
Pinnacle Outlaw is basically a CE Destroyer.
Hahahaha I figured Rancho mold went without saying...
FLX Champ Zephyr
I just wanted to make it clear what we both want. I hate how every time I say I want Champion Rocs in regular production, then somebody will say "why don't you just buy a Champ Roc3?" :doh: I just give them a dirty look & proceed to throw my USDGC Champion Rancho Roc
I'll take a stack of Gold Line Polecats