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Building Better Clubs

Quick thought as someone with dietary restrictions....

Lunch sucks hard.
They all start as a clique. The translation from clique to club when the originals start to drop and new people in theory step in is the most difficult part of the entire process.

I don't know. I'm old, and remember when they were neither, but simply "whoever was around". The cliques started when there were more disc golfers around and the original crew had a chance to expand....but didn't.

The two clubs I'm most familiar with, went in opposite directions. In one, as soon as the idea to form a formal club was floated, the old guard welcomed the club and shared power; in the other, a handful of gold guard kept the reins for a decade or two, and it was a "club" in name only.

Nowadays, neither is a worry for me. The price of a share of ownership in a private course is more than anyone is going to pay, even if we offered it.