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Most Insane Disc Retreival???

So many great retrievals... a few years, a few saves (and misses):

Jimmy Porter in Carrollton, TX - Sometime in 2000 -- My roommate throws his favorite 8X KC Whippet into the pond; ~40 degrees that day. We jump in after it. So cold we can't feel our legs. 15 minutes later we find it. Walk out of the water to discover WE HAVE NO LEG HAIR. The paint company up top of the hill had a spill they didn't post, and it leaked into the pond. Water has a chemical solvent in it and our legs are totally bare. We get the EPA out there to test the water, yada yada yada; turns out nothing too harmful. But I've never been so glad the water was low and I didn't go teabaggin' that day.

Audobon Park in Garland, TX -- Sometime in 2001 -- We are playing and a few of us all go in the same place in the bog on the back side (hole 13?). We manage to use some branches to feel around, drag discs through the muck, but I have to reach in to get them. I only get wet up to the elbow, but I have never smelled such an UNHOLY STENCH in my life. I got back to the car, poured water on my arm; used up a whole bottle of hand-sanitizer, and we still had to shut our discs in plastic bags and I had to drive home with my arm out the window. Awful feeling when your own arm stinks so bad you can't stand to have it in the car with you. I got home, showered with a bottle of Dawn and a green kitchen scrubby and took most of the skin off my arm. And still STUNK. It took days to get back to normal; and the discs that went in lived on the balcony for months.

Pyramids in Leicester, MA -- (private course) friend and I are playing in the winter in 2002. He throws his first run CE Aviar through the thin ice by the waterfall into the stream. We both strip to our boxes and jump in after it. 10 minutes, totally blue, we can't find the thing (snow and ice all around us). Southwick sees us down there and offers us the use of his outdoor hottub. We jump out of the creek, sprint up the hill through the snow and spend the rest of the afternoon in the hottub, practice putting. Person with the furtherest missed putt has to jump out of the hottub, run through the snow and retrieve all the discs (great game).

Bicentennial Park in Crowley, TX - 2004 - My brother and I are playing right after a big rainstorm. Creek is flowing pretty fast. After one round, it's slowed down quite a bit. One of us puts a 10X KC Teebird into the stream on one of the late holes (15?) and we figure we should jump in after it. It's not in the middle, so we start feeling around near the edges. I'm running my foot under the overhang by the bank (water is muddy, about waste deep), when this large snake (~4' or 5') comes flying up out of the water a few inches from my crotch and dives off to the right, heading in the direction where my brother is. I yell bloody murder; he flips around, sees it diving back into the water, and he is nearer the middle of the stream, he jumps up, grabs this branch hanging over the water, and is stuck there. He's in his boxers, dripping wet, pulled up almost fetal-position to keep himself out of the water as the branch bends down, scared to get back in. By this point, I'm past being scared and I'm on the bank laughing so hard I can barely stand up. Takes almost 10 minutes for him to drop back into the water and high-step it to the bank.

Lots more, but those are among my favorites. So many more memories, it's hard to hold them all.
So many great retrievals... a few years, a few saves (and misses):

Jimmy Porter in Carrollton, TX - Sometime in 2000 -- ...But I've never been so glad the water was low and I didn't go teabaggin' that day.

Audobon Park in Garland, TX -- Sometime in 2001 -- I only get wet up to the elbow, but I have never smelled such an UNHOLY STENCH in my life. ... Awful feeling when your own arm stinks so bad you can't stand to have it in the car with you. I got home, showered with a bottle of Dawn and a green kitchen scrubby and took most of the skin off my arm. And still STUNK.

Pyramids in Leicester, MA -- (private course) ...We both strip to our boxes and jump in after it. 10 minutes, totally blue, we can't find the thing (snow and ice all around us). ...spend the rest of the afternoon in the hottub, practice putting.

Bicentennial Park in Crowley, TX - 2004 - ..when this large snake (~4' or 5') comes flying up out of the water a few inches from my crotch and dives off to the right, heading in the direction where my brother is. ...He's in his boxers, dripping wet, pulled up almost fetal-position to keep himself out of the water as the branch bends down, scared to get back in. ...Takes almost 10 minutes for him to drop back into the water and high-step it to the bank.

Thanks for the laughs! Each one is a classic!

Reminds me of some of the Life Lessons from Disc Golf that I've compiled:

From my latest book Everything I Need to Know in Life I Learned from Disc Golf, subtitle: Life Lessons from the World's Greatest Sport.


9.When something valuable is lost you'll do everything you can to find it.
10.Corollary: Sometimes it's worth getting scratched up to look for one that's lost, but you also gotta know when to let it go.

I think the stinky bog falls under number 10. :D
Last week I was out at the local langan park course with my brother, we played the first three holes and stopped to allow a guy to finish hole three and play through. Well, hole three has two seperate water hazards, one before the hole, and one just behind. He sent it sailing over the first hazard, past the basket and about 30 feet into the second hazard. He walks up to us near the bank, sees the disc and tells us if we reach, we can have it. So naturaully I ask what disc it is, he replies that it is a brand new champion beast....phhst yeah I'm going in. So I start wading in and immediatly find that it is going to be more difficult than I thought. I started sinking into the muck and my legs were being swallowed by what can only be described as underwater moss with thorns, but I kept going until I almost had to swim, the water was about chest height when I got to the disc and I had to pick it up with my foot and bring it up to my hand. But he wasn't kidding, that disc was brand new, so I guess it was worth it.
Not quite a reteival but kind of...

While playing a doubles round my friend drew cali/wildman & needed another destroyer from one of the tee's. It was one of two identical first runs I keep in the bag. I said dont throw it in the water (water is almost never reachable on this pin (Avon Park, Avon IN) hole 2. Well of course he turns it over forehand & bombs the thing 80-100ft into this huge pond. It lands flat on semi choppy water & he's preppared to go in after it since I told him he pretty much had to lol. We sit there for about 10 minutes as it slowly drifts toward shore. Partially submergerd it floated all the way back to shore!!! I was stoked, he didnt get to throw it again :)
I found a pro starfire in a tree on #10 in Cornwallis in Durham, NC while looking for my friends disc in my first couple months of playing. I was able to get it down by shaking it- no ink and I only owned like 2 discs at the time so I was stoked. A couple rounds later I lost the disc in damn near the exact same spot in a different tree, only this time it was wedged in really well and really high in a tree that was too big to shake. So the next day I went out in the morning with my paintball gun and shot it out- only took about 8 hits to dislodge it. No harm to the disc and the paint washes off with water (but I might have technically discharged a firearm in city limits).

So if you have a paintball gun, this is the ultimate way to retrieve a stuck disc without having to climb.
Not so much "insane"... but pretty funny:

I have a not so insane but mildly assmusing one to share:

A couple years ago a friend of mine tossed a disc that got stuck about 30ft up in a pine tree... we didn't see specifically where it went but a girl standing on the tee for another hole saw where it went... she then offered to climb up the tree and get it for us (hell if you're going to offer I'm going to let you).

Then about 2 weeks later I'm back out at the course with the same guy and he does the same thing (throws into the tree) as we're walking toward the tree we're joking "where's that tree climbing girl when you need her." Then we get to the tree and theat same girl is waiting by the other tee again... and offers to get the disc again!

It was a crazy coincidence since I play that course all the time and those are the only 2 times I've seen her out there.
My friends and i were playing hole 7 at Jordan Creek, which in order to get to the hole you must tee off over a really big pond. So the first 3 of us go and make it over no problem, then my one friend (yegor) decides to tomahawk and...land SPLOOSH right in the middle of the pond...so my two other friends (the toms) decide they'll swim out and get it...thinking the water wasn't quite so deep they go out and 10 feet from shore they cant even stand! At this point we realize we wont be able to find the disc....so they are about to head back to shore when some other people show up to play the hole.

So they yell the usual fun things like "you guys enjoying your swim!??" etc. And my friends joke "well when you throw it bad we'll be all well and ready!"

So the guy gets ready to tee off..starts running up to launch it and at the moment of release slips and the disc laser lines straight for one of the tom's (both are still swimming mind you) and him being the uncoordinated guy he is completely misses catching it..nails him in the shoulder shoots up into the air towards the other tom who reaches out and catches it.

When that happened it was just soo astonishing...it was one of those moments where "there is no way that just happened!" So to finish the rest of the story we gave the guy hid disc back and never were able to retrieve the one we lost. =(
I have a not so insane but mildly assmusing one to share:

A couple years ago a friend of mine tossed a disc that got stuck about 30ft up in a pine tree... we didn't see specifically where it went but a girl standing on the tee for another hole saw where it went... she then offered to climb up the tree and get it for us (hell if you're going to offer I'm going to let you).

Then about 2 weeks later I'm back out at the course with the same guy and he does the same thing (throws into the tree) as we're walking toward the tree we're joking "where's that tree climbing girl when you need her." Then we get to the tree and theat same girl is waiting by the other tee again... and offers to get the disc again!

It was a crazy coincidence since I play that course all the time and those are the only 2 times I've seen her out there.
She is a disc retrieving ghost.
I don't know about insane but I think I deserve an honorable mention for most persistent. I lost my champ Monarch in the rough on hole 10 in Norte de Asheboro 3 days ago and I found it today. By rough I mean tall swamp grass, briers, weeds, standing water, and cut up branches and limbs littering the ground. This stuff is head high in places. I saw exactly where it went in the day I drove and followed it in but to no avail, just got muddy and worn out for my troubles. I bought the world's dullest machete and took it out there today. It was only good for knocking briers back to come forward to rebound into my face with. After about 30 minutes I said screw it, maybe it went over the fence. So I trespassed into this construction yard by climbing over their razor and barbwire fence to search into swampier, more brier infested woods to find a Dx Kite! (My least favorite disc in the world). F this I said, decided to play a round. After which, I looked back at hole 10 and said, maybe I threw it farther than I thought. Waded back into the briers and sure enough, found it.

People at the park probably thought I was Jason the way I was whacking around the course with a machete.
Well, this isn't my personal retrieval story, but my dad's. And it isn't even that insane, but it's our most insane! We played at Center Chains in Waterbury, VT. One of the holes is parallel with a decently fast-paced river. My brother threw one with a nasty left curve right into the river. My dad had to wade up to his knees across the river to get the disc.

Not too exciting, but still, our most exciting!
on Friday I had my drive go over the fence at globeville and skip right underneath the coal train sitting on the tracks. I am not dumb enough to crawl under a train for a $10 disc. so I walk down to the opening and walk the train track shoulder up to the car that has my disc under it. I find a stick and fish my disc out with my body within a foot of the tracks, the side of the traincar was inches from my face. I get my disc out and before I even stand up to walk away the train started moving. There was no point where I was going to get hurt but kneeling that close to a train but having it start moving just about made me jump out of my skin
This wasn't too "insane" but I did have to go to the doctor. I was searching through a dense bush where my wayward putt ended up. As I was searching a twig made it's way around my glasses and into my open eye. It hurt like heck and my vision never cleared for the rest of the round. As I was driving home my vision was still not clear so I went to the urgent care center. Sure enough I had a scratched cornea. I had an eye patch for the rest of the day and this morning, and now I get to have and eye drop 4 times a day for the next few days. My fiance ended up finding the disc, about a foot above here I got poked in the eye.
Hole 18 @ Spring Valley in Texas:
The hole is 488 ft and has a stream that runs along the entire right side of the hole. The hole is extremely narrow and many people throw in. It is def the nastiest, dark, stagnet water that I have ever been in and keep in mind I used to get in ponds about 3-5 times a week for a period of 8 months so not too much water disturbs me. This is also a spot known for water moccasins.
So I've been in and have pulled about 20+ discs and my foot goes over another one, or so I thought so. I bend to pick it up and bull out an enormous turtle close to the size of a basketball. I screamed and chunked the thing back into the water.

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