Tournament scorecard board

Marty McFly

Double Eagle Member
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Mar 24, 2009
Does anybody make or sell a big board to hold scorecards?
I have seen them around other events but can't find a place to buy them.
Any info would be appreciated.
I asked someone that is very adept at sewing (you know anybody like that Marty ;)) and after analyzing it, they said that the make vs. buy swung a bit heavier into the buy category. You're looking for a Scorepointe (though people around here call them Scoreport...even though it's spelled Scorepointe...weird) Scoreboard:

A few other retailers sell them, just need to use that Google thingy. Best of luck to you sir!
DIY option

You could always make your own using shutters that can be found at Habitat Re-store. Just get three or four shutters and hinge them together so they fold up for easy transport.
In my experience using ours, they're much more complicated than they are worth. If you have extra players or extra holes, y'all might need more than one.

Nice find. I just bought this one today.

In my experience using ours, they're much more complicated than they are worth. If you have extra players or extra holes, y'all might need more than one.

Yes, I can already tell that it won't hold 21 hole set ups and will need some love. But it is better than nothing.
Thanks for the help everyone. :D