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Versatility at 250'


* Ace Member *
Jan 11, 2012
Spaceship Earth
You're in a wide open field. Basket is 250' away. How many different throws are you confident you can execute to get a look for 2? Backhand, forehand, hyzer, anhyzer,BH roller, FH roller, thumber, grenade, etc, etc. How many tricks in your bag?
Interesting. I can't count on 250 backhand, but i'll try it. Forehand is easy. No worries.
The thumber is always an option.
Never limit yourself!
This is interesting, one could say you only need one but what if there's a Bush on the right? On the left? In front?

What you can't pull of in the open, you probably won't manage in the woods.

I only have two and a half options... Hyzerflip MD or slight hyzer w/e, the half being a grenade if needed.
Gotta get myself a decent forehand and improve my anny lines. Sometimes the FH costs me a stroke from the bushes at 150'...
I like to think I can throw a Buzzz or Ion type backhand straight at (and I can most of the time).

A forehand Teebird or Thunderbird or Firebird could work.

Firebird tomahawk would be my second choice.

First choice lately is Star Teebird RHBH hyzer, to prevent underthrowing it like I typically do with the Buzzz/Ion option.
The only shot I have that is consistent at that distance is a boring old backhand. I can easily roll that far, but it doesn't always end up where I want it. I've hit 250' FH, but again, it's not automatic.

So yea, I suck.
RHBH hyzer, straight line, or anny. With a putter, mid, or fairway.
RHBH roller

Basically just RHBH, but at 250 I'm pretty confident in a wide array of lines to get there.
For me it's BH hyzer, lazer, or anny. 250' is pushing my comfortable mid distance, so I'd probably just lazer my Champ Leopard and hope for minimal skip. My comfortable putter distance is in the 200' range, so that's out.

If I "had" to I could try a FH, but I'm really not proficient at that distance. My FH is really only good for 100'-150' approaches.
At 250 in a wide open field, I could throw putter, mid or driver on a hyzer or anhyzer line and should have a decent look with any of them. Forehand would have to be flat-to-hyzer with a moderately or very over stable mid or driver.

That is pushing the range of my thumber, I might get it there but my shoulder would hurt like hell so I wouldn't do it. I couldn't get a grenade there.
At that range it's either a BH flat mid, a BH spike hyzer with a fairway or a flat FH fairway
Interesting question. I can take my ion or a mid straight at it. That's my safest most reliable play. I could maybe get a fh os mid close, bit that's nearly as reliable.
You're in a wide open field. Basket is 250' away. How many different throws are you confident you can execute to get a look for 2? Backhand, forehand, hyzer, anhyzer,BH roller, FH roller, thumber, grenade, etc, etc. How many tricks in your bag?
If we're talking inside 30... Backhand, forehand, thumber, tomahawk. Inside 45 add a grenade to the list. And a thumber with a backhand motion. Though thats kinda pointless. In general this is purely going to be a decision between my backhand or forehand depending on the wind conditions.
LHBH - LHFH - RHBH - RHFH - RHOH - FH Roller....but i'm ambidextrous.
Lol, I know a course with like 3-4 of these from the short tees.

In order of confidence:
1. Simple BH hyzer putter, mid, and driver.
2. Simple FH hyzer driver (okay with mid and putter but prefer driver).
3. Straight at it BH mid, putter, and driver.
4. Straight at it FH driver.
5. Thumber (OS driver)
6. RHBH turnover
7. FH roller (OS driver)
8. Spike hyzer BH (I'm weirdly terrible at ranging spike hyzers)
9. BH roller (I might be cutting myself short here but it's hard to keep these practiced due to course conditions)
10. Anhyzer (I never throw these unless forced. I hyzer flip everything, BH and FH.)
11. Grenade (same problem as my spike hyzer except with weirder grip)
12. Tomahawk

I'm pretty comfortable with 1-7.
The question is more about versatility instead of the ideal or safe shot. I chose 250' because that would allow more people to actually contemplate an answer. I really enjoy trying to find as many lines as possible. Creativity is a lot more interesting than a boring hyzer.

That said, FH hyzer, BH hyzer, putter/mid straight at it, FH flex, BH anny, FH roller, BH roller, maybe a thumber but haven't thrown one in years.
The only shot I have that is consistent at that distance is a boring old backhand. I can easily roll that far, but it doesn't always end up where I want it. I've hit 250' FH, but again, it's not automatic.

So yea, I suck.

I'm with you bro.

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