The sheer amount of disrespect shown by a small population of keyboard warriors to people who are absolutely working their asses off 24/7 - missing time with family, loved ones, holidays, etc. to make this sport better is utterly appalling to me (and I'm not referring to myself, but to others). This is not the disc golf community that I fell in love with. These few "experts" are so far off the mark that it's completely ridiculous to me that others would lend any credibility to their words at all.
- I'm willing to bet none of you know the real history with lcgm8. I'm not going to talk about other people's business, as I've never met the man...but suffice to say nobody on this thread is remotely close to correct. Jussi even said this, but everyone is too busy pretending to know better to listen.
- Very few people on this whole website have experience in the media industry, yet everyone seems to know how to tell us to do our job. People, watching a TV does not make you an expert in production, broadcasting, or performing. I've been doing this for 10 years and I'm still learning every day and by no means consider myself elite in this industry. I'm sincerely grateful for the support that is shown, yet I laugh at people who tell me what I should be doing when they've never done it, naively assuming that I/we have never considered their approach just because we don't publicize every meeting we've had. I would never think to walk on to your job and tell you how to do it because I watched a Discovery Channel special, but somehow people lose all self awareness on the internet.
Let me clarify, that constructive feedback is always welcome, but that ends when you speak as if you know better than someone who actually has more knowledge of a situation. Tact is absolutely required. One of the coolest things about our sport is the public interaction that athletes, media guys, even CEO's have with everyone - but the people that continue to act like this will ruin it for everyone. We will become like all other sports - where the barrier will grow because a small group people don't know how to act, and trust gets broken.
- Finally, we can't please everyone, I accept that. We will not be like other channels, no matter how much you want us to. We will stick to our plan. If you think we're wrong, prove us wrong by going out and doing it better. If you know the magical way to the promised land, beat us there and show us by your actions, quit clogging a thread with drivel.
I'm done reading this thread.