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The thread of inevitability. Oh no moments throwing discs.

Sewer bill

Eagle Member
Sep 14, 2022
I'll start.

Back in 06or 07. I was playing my old home course north watertower park. Hole 10. Has a sidewalk that snaked blindly out of the woods and around the watertower and down the entire left side of the fairway.

I was unloading my bag ripping discs trying to park the long position and let loose one of my better hyzer flips just as a battle of the bulge vet came zooming out of the woods on his mobility scooter, yelled as much as a could but alas he was mostly deaf and I clobbered him right in the belly with a flash. From that day forward for years he would yell at me or give me dirty looks or just stop his scooter in random parts of the sidewalk throughout the park in hopes I would hit him so he could yell at me again. Months later I nearly hit him again on a different hole and he yelled at me for missing him.

In 08 I hit a cop car right in the windshield in the exact same scenario on hole 10 because they would just drive through the park to try and catch dirt bike hoodrats or people smoking crack under the pavilion. Cop gave me a very stern talking to as if I should have somehow known he was silently creeping down the fairway blindly out of the woods next to the watertower.

Just recently, at my current local course, I smoked a force off the tee and it had just a little too much hyzer and it flew ob over the road just as a 2022 chevy tahoe was flying around the bend. Guy was going about 50 mph and my disc was probably going just as fast, sounded like a gunshot on impact and there he went down the road with my hot pink force with my name and number written on it wedged deep into his grill, didn't even touch the brake pedal just kept going. He came back later and gave my disc to another card during the league. I was fully anticipating having to buy him a very expensive new grill but he was cool and drove off into the sunset.

So let's hear it. I know I'm not the only one who's got some oh no disc golf moments.
Was playing object golf, late at night at a music festival in '06, I think. We were on the fringes of the campground and playing to what we thought was a vacant porta-john. We were probably teeing from 200ish' and I threw a nice hyzer with a dx roc. About halfway through the flight, a wook pops out of the portajohn and pauses for a few seconds in front of the open door. We start yelling and waving our hands, but no dice. He takes the roc square in the face. I'm flipping out, thinking I really hurt this guy who just was trying to take a dump in peace. He staggers a bit, notices the disc, notices us, throws it back in our direction, and goes on his way.
Was practicing shots on a football field in a public park when out of nowhere a police dog runs and tries to catch an FAF Firebird out of the air.

Luckily he near missed and was okay. Probably would have chipped a few teeth.

Cop let me do the arm sleeve thing though, that was cool.
2 years ago, University of Richmond an elevated tightly wooded course with lots of blind shots and joggers. On the 13th tee about 200 feet down a sidewalk crossed the fairway, with the left side blinded by bushes, trouble! I listened very carefully, heard nothing coming, threw my tee and halfway to the sidewalk a jogger with headphones on appears from behind the bushes, I'm yelling fore not too be heard, and flew right over her head by a few feet. She kept jogging with no awareness, I about had a heart attack.

This past winter Bayville Virginia Beach #11 check for the twosome ahead of me early morning, still no sight or I thought. Launched my disc with tad of grip lock, keeping my eye on it because of the heavy trees on the left side and a narrow ditch. All of a sudden, I see someone standing by the tree, smack my disc hits the tree he's standing at, the second player appears behind the tree both just standing there for a few moments, and then make there way to the next tee. I'm yelling an apology. There waiting for me to finish 11, I walk over to 12 apologizing again. One of them tells me no worries, we were peeing, and you literally scared it out of both of us, laughing. I played thru.

On the home course a few months ago Munden Point Virginia Beach #4 long tee to basket is cluttered with huge Oak trees with canopy, difficult to reach either basket. The park road borders left of fairway providing a LHBH or RHFH for road skip and bringing the disc back to fairway, keep it low and you'll avoid the canopy. Early morning playing with a friend I tee up with a Neutron Mayhem which I used for the road a few times before. As I tee a van appears out of nowhere coming into the park driving past the trees and thankfully speeding. I watch my disc track right behind the van thinking I was going to hit the back window, but watched it skip a few times right behind the van, and looked like it went under the van and then kicked out to the fairway. I'm using sailor language the whole entire time; my friend is wide eyed. The van moved away not stopping I tell my friend I think it went under the van, he said I don't think it did. We realized all is well, and just busted up laughing. The disc was chewed up badly, and eventually ordered a Plasma Mayhem to replace it. I think the disc went under the van.
2004ish just started playing "seriously". My boyfriend at the time and I were waiting on the group in front of us of about 6-7 to hole out. This hole had a blind basket like so many at that course did, I hear a few chains and a "clear" so I'm ready and chuck my cyclone or X2 or whatever Discraft disc I had back then at the basket. Next sounds we hear are "****ing c***sucker what the F do you think you're doing" followed by the dude who got hit walking up the fairway with my disc in hand. He then throws the disc at me as hard as he could. I try to calm him down and tell him I heard a "clear" but with all of his buddies behind him he feels like he's gotta make a point. He comes right up to me posturing like he's gonna hit me. I tell him to move on, I'm sorry all that but he refuses. He pushed me and his friends are telling him it's no big deal stop being so dumb about this. He swings, hits me in the shoulder and cries out in pain. After that he finally moved on and we left the course immediately. I'm pretty sure he sprained his wrist or maybe broke a knuckle, not sure. At this time I'm 23 years old, 6-2 and 225 pounds, this guy was probably 5-8 and 150. He's lucky I don't like to fight. Apparently that "clear" was from some other hole but it sounded like the one we were waiting on.
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I once hit a driving Porsche with a big hyzer throw that went up way too high. It didn"t show any reaction and just kept on driving.
Took a group to play the big course in Gastonia, NC, so like 5 of us and my black lab. One hole has a narrow slice of fairway with a parking lot to the left then it widens out to a full-sized fairway after about 180 feet. Of course there's a guy parked across the farthest point of the lot practically on the fairway. We had tried to tell him he was in a bad spot but he just waved us off.

Sure enough, my friend comes up short on a noob hyzer and bounces his drive off the dude's windshield. He comes out yelling cusses and starts to stomp across the lot to us when my black lab Sancho (approx 90 lbs) sees him. Sancho was a sweetie, a big goof of a lab who was sure everyone wanted to be his friend, so naturally, he starts a quick trot toward this guy. I swear we saw a friction spark under his heel he turned around so fast and drove off before my lil pup could get there to say hi. :)
The only car hit I recall wasn't me; we flew into LA to go the the Holiday Bowl in '97 because Flying into LA and renting a car was waaayyy cheaper than flying into San Diego. It was me and three non-disc golfing friends with all day to get to San Diego so I talk them into going to La Mirada. In '97 La Mirada was on the short list of mythical disc golf courses so I made a big deal out of it. Anyway, there isn't a hole on the current map that lines up perfectly with my memory of the event but it might have been hole 7; my buddy threw a HUGE n00b hyzer that crossed the street and t-boned a '66 Nova in the door...while the dude was washing it. :eek:

My buddy was like "let's go" and the three of them start back into the park, but it was my disc. So I walk over to get my Cyclone and I'm apologizing up and down as I get closer to the guy. He smiled and went "I live across from a disc golf course, I should know better than to wash my car out here on the street." End of story, got my driver back and did not get my *** kicked.
Yesterday I threw my chameleon Tursas in the drink. I went to the shop after work and got a VIP one because I was upset about it. Same hole today I threw the new one in the drink(released too early because I'm stupid) and there is a dude fishing. As I come down he says he saw another one and I explain mine from yesterday and he fishes it out and hands it to me. Was about to be stupid but I atleast got the better of the two discs back lol.
Waiting at tee #18, Pier Park. Guy ahead of us shanks right, disc rolls to a stop 100 yds away in the eastbound lanes of Columbia Drive. He starts to run towards his disc. Station wagon (ask yer gramma what that is) stops beside it, guy hops out, picks up the disc, hops back in and speeds away. Former disc owner stands with mouth open, crestfallen.
Back before my disc golf days. Teed up on hole 14 of a local muni golf course. Crushed my drive, but pulled the ball left, way left, took one bounce on Main Street, and directly hit an oncoming car's windshield. Immediately shattering it into that all too familiar spiderweb pattern.

My playing partners all fell to the ground laughing, I stood in shock. Guy hits his hood, and drives a way. !0 minutes later a police car drives up. By the time we finished hole 18, the police car was gone. I went to the club house, gave my contact info, and never heard about it again.
No an errant throw, but a story anout some unwanted projectiles.
One time circa 2001 my dad and I were playing a round at our local park, and happened upon a guy we had occasionally played with a few times so we decided to finish out with him.
Come hole 14 we're walking down a long fairway and out of the woods we hear peepewpewpeepew, and see something hit our friend. He stands there for a second then very dramatically falls down, sprawled out like a gunshot victim. After a couple seconds we realize it was just paintballs, but he gets up and charges after some preteens scrambling out of the woods towards a neighborhood.
I don't think he ever caught them but he did come back with some shiny paintball guns that I guess they ditched with a pissed off guy chasing them.
My worst was I had a turnover out over a road stall out and go into someone cracked open window. . . They were in the car. Eating lunch. the disc landed in their lap... on top of their food.

We were both just so shocked it happened it got laughed off.

Your vet story reminds me of a time we had a non verbal guy in a mobility scooter just stop to watch on the sidewalk just off the edge of the ideal fairway. We sent a guy up there to bat down discs that may be headed his way. I threw a turnover with an FD that landed flat on the sidewalk 50' away from him and slid perfectly until it came to a stop between his feet. He thought that was the coolest thing ever and ended up following our card the rest of the round. Which was great cause he was getting to watch more and we could make sure he was out of the way.

We have seen some crazy stuff in 18 years for sure. Not happened to me but I witnessed: A guy hit a couple having relations behind a tree on the fairway. They yelled ow. We ran up to make sure they were ok. They didn't entirely stop just said "no worries"...

Had a transient guy take a dump on a disc that landed around a blind corner. We saw him walking and waited for him to clear. Apparently he just hid behind a tree waiting for his opportunity
When I started playing, I had a poor (okay, bad) backhand. I was on the tee pad, preparing to throw a backhand drive. Did my walk-up and released what felt like a beautiful backhand. It was....kind of. I released it directly behind me and it barely passed between two of my cardmate's heads. Didn't touch either one, but it was a close call. After that, my cardmates didn't stand or sit anywhere behind me.

Wild Bill was an appropriate nickname.
Pured a drive on hole 1 at Joralemon. Halfway in its flight a squirrel comes down from a tree and proceeds to trot out into the landing zone. My disc hits the ground directly under the poor fella and sends him flipping thru the air. He scrambles back up the tree and was chirping at me as i approached my lie and thru the next throw.
Got another one........... but its not throwing a disc

I travel out to Kansas for my bro-in-laws Air Force retirement.
Score a free day and hit up the local course, Oak Park, and find there's a random draw dubs league. I buy in and get paired up with a local that's pretty knowledgeable about the local DG scene.
About halfway thru our round we catch a casual card that's busy trying to get a disc out of a tree. They're throwing shoes and discs at it and the whole time this girl with them is standing under the tree looking up and the disc and (i assumed) that she was making sure she didnt get hit with a falling item. One guy decides that he's gonna throw an empty glass bottle up at the disc. Immediately i get our cards attention for the "Watch This" moment......... and it happens right on cue. Bottle goes up in the tree, plinkos around and popped the poor girl right on the forehead then hits the ground and shatters.
My buddy and I were playing a local niner; the last hole is a very RHFH friendly bender around some trees. Probably about 300 feet total on a hyzer line. He throws his drive RHFH, but it flips up and S-curves, goes 300' directly ahead, skips off a walking path, and lands softly on someone's lap sitting on a bench. My buddy said they were completely fine but extremely startled. It was the ****dest thing because it was seriously completely out of juice when it skipped up and landed RIGHT in their lap. Like it was gently tossed there.

On the other hand, I remember playing in college with some newer players who were visiting. My one friend grip locks his shot 90 degrees to the right... full power directly into the temple of another friend. He went down and stayed down for quite a while, but ended up being OK mostly? I think he didn't drink anything that night maybe. Still gives me the willies thinking about it.