Playing the Minnesota Majestic this year, were in the final round at Hyland Ski Resort. I can't recall what hole, but it was an uphill shot about 450'. I throw my first drive, and then my second drive and if anyone has played here, you know there are always people exercising(running/walking up and down the hills) You'd think for an A-Tier, the park would be closed to disc golfers only, but it wasn't.
As I was walking up to my second shot, there were two women exercising, walking down the hill. One of the women picks up my disc and looks around as if she wanted to return it to the owner, and I yell to her "DON'T TOUCH THE DISC!!!" since we were in tournament play. I don't think she heard me because she proceeds to attempt to "throw" it to me. Needless to say, after her awful throw of about 40 feet, the disc stands up and rolls another hundred feet down the hill. I then have to walk back down the hill to retrieve it and place it back in the original spot as close as my card could tell.
As I'm walking back up with my disc the woman says to me in a snotty voice "were trying to walk here!" And I respond with, "this is a tournament that is held every year, we all need to share the park!" My whole problem is that the disc didn't come close to hitting her, the disc was on the ground as she walked up to it and she took it upon herself to "return" it to me.